
Culturally Diverse Workforce

Satisfactory Essays

Assignment # 2

1) The company which has a future vision to grow up should refresh their job environment associating with a culturally diverse workforce. Which is the best way to create more job’s relations with other companies in foreign countries. The most challenge situation for a company is related with the economic factor because this inversion will be more expensive, however the new project should bring more benefits than negatives effects. There are many benefits that a cultural diverse workforce could brings them, such as great motivation, better results, and increase the productivity in the company.

2) In my opinion Employment Retirement Income Security Act (1974) is the most important law which every company must provide to their employees when they were working with loyalty and respect for them. Because this benefit give them economic support to the employees when it is time stop working for any reason like the age, sickness or others. This law guaranty their economic sustaining if they are in bad situation avoiding the unstability to not have a job. However, the reality it is not for all companies because they are more worry in produce more money than expend it in the retirement’s plans to their employees.

3) To increase better results inside a company the owner have to evaluate how he can motivate …show more content…

The relationship marketing has the opportunity to satisfy the buyer as the seller which is the long-term relationship with the customers. This relationship help company to develop more interesting products to attract more attention and more revenue increasing economic opportunities to grow up to another area. For example, give discount coupon for employees of different companies could bring new clients and at the same time every new client could bring their relatives creating a big relationship

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