
Culture Changes During The Edo Period

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Culture Changes during the Edo Period

The Edo Period in Japan (1600-1868) was ruled by Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu who was appointed by the Emperor. During this time, many changes happened to promote stability among the people and Japan. Early The Shogun adoptive a system which was later called Neo-Confucianism based on Confucianism (From China). This system stressed the importance of morals, education and hierarchical order in the government and society (Japan Shogun needed to create peace and by using segregation, there were four types of divisions during the Edo period. First at the top was the Shogun and Samurai, they created structure and peace among the domains. Second in line was the peasants because without them the most important need would not be filled which was food. Artisans were third in line being they added some value for the reason that they produced goods like swords for the Samurai, artwork, music, and painting/printing. Last on the list of importance was the merchants. Merchants made money off people and therefor held no value to the Shogun. Due to a closed door policy that was enforced by the Shogun hardly anything came into Japan without permission during the Edo period. The Shogun also limited trade with other Western Nations and prevented Japan from trading. For over 200 years Japan has little to do with trade outside with the exception of a Dutch post in Nagasaki and maintaining relations with China and a post in Pusan where

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