
Culture of Trinidad Essay

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Culture of Trinidad

According to the encyclopedia, culture is defined as “The totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought [].” In Trinidad these particular aspects are very distinct to the people's daily lives on the island. The diversity of actual cultures and ethnicities on the island has melted together over the centuries to create a Trinidadian culture of its own. There are influences from almost every part of the world including, India, China, the United States, Lebanon, Spain, Britian, Africa, and cultures native the Caribbean.

Religion is one the most important aspects defining culture. There is no one dominant faith on the …show more content…

These African religions are extremely important to many who wish to recognize their “roots.” In earlier centuries these “foreign” practices were banned by slaves attempting to hold on to their culture, and over the years they have come to represent a sense of liberation and freedom to be African (Brereton, A History of Modern Trinidad). Overall nowadays the country's differing religious groups coexist and generally respect each other's beliefs and practices. People of one faith openly participate in celebrations of another faith [].

Food is another obvious way to demonstrate the diversity of culture in Trinidad. As are the people, food is influenced by almost every part of the world. There dishes traditional to the Caribbean, prepared with products naturally found on the island. There are dishes with influences from the Spanish conquistadors with their meats and different fruits, also the Indian immigration brought curry flavors and dishes to Trinidad. A very well known Indian dish on the island is roti, which consists of flat bread wrapped around a spicy stew of meat, potatoes, and vegetables. The English, French and Dutch brought large-scale cultivation of sugarcane. Initially the Carib's diet consisted of meats such as guinea pig, alligator, fish, iguana and turtle. Cassava, pineapple and cashews are native to Trinidad as well. The Spanish arriving on the island were intrigued by this method of

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