Significant studies concerning customer service in the Healthcare industry provides evidence of its value and how it builds patient or resident trust (Cox & Cook, 2017). Excellent customer service should be the top priority to any industry, especially in health care because that directly deals with the customers health and care.
Working in the healthcare industry was where I first learned about organizational culture and its importance. Each organization had its own technique, and objective, but the set of values and beliefs which created the culture of excellent customer service was threaded throughout the organization. From administration to housekeeping, the greatest asset was customer service, known as patient satisfaction. Orientation
Customer service must satisfy the needs of the customers to ensure a service companies’ quality is maintained.
Many factors can influence a healthcare organization’s culture that can either hinder or further develop their organization. For instance, Healthdyne (a health management organization) will be used to correlate these factors and forces to culture. Mr. Brice became the president of Healthdyne after the former president, Amanda Huggins, left the facility. Ms. Huggins had the motto, “It doesn’t happen without my signature!”, which obviously put Mr. Brice in a pickle (Olden, 2015). In this case study, we will discuss healthcare organization culture and how they are utilized in Healthdyne.
Organizational Culture enables a firm to adapt to environmental changes, and it provides members with a sense of belonging( Lester & Parnell, 2006). The most important influence on an organization culture is values and beliefs. Because of the field that I currently reside in, i would have to chose heroes and values as the best dimensions of culture. I work as a Certified Nursing Assistant for the pass 15 years. I enjoy and value my career as a nursing assistant. It has been so fulfilling and it keeps my adrenaline going because I know that someone appreciate and values my dedication. This field requires a certain type of person to
Good customer service will set my company apart from the strategic differentiation of my competitors also use of technology, pricing, and quality products. When I start my new venture with my exercising unit, I want people to know just how well my product works.
Customer services is a very important part of managing ongoing client/patient relationships, because they are the key to bringing in revenue. The concept of customer service is to deliver outstanding services so the customers will have a great experience. I currently work in the healthcare industry and the company that I work for is starting to have trainings and meetings to improve customer service to our clients to help increase our patient satisfaction levels. There are some employees who strive to help the patient by going far and beyond their line of duties, and as others are burned out and feel like they just need to get the patient in and out without really understanding the patient’s needs or
Organizational culture could almost be considered the roots of a company. The way a company’s employees think, the way the customers feel, and the company’s decisions are made are all based around the culture that the company has laid for itself. An employee’s values, thoughts, and actions should reflect those stated in the company’s mission. Southwest Airlines and American Airlines, while both attempting to create a culture that is comfortable and pleasing to their
©2004 McDonald’s Corporation G6286 The Golden Arches logo is a trademark of McDonald’s Corporation and its affiliates.
There is a tremendous amount of literature regarding Organizational Culture as it relates to corporate business. Peters and Waterman (1982) book, In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America’s Best Run Companies, became the blueprint for organizational success. With the paradigm shift of hospitals becoming more “business- like” through mergers, acquisition, and pay for performance, organizational culture in a hospital setting will need to be furthered analyzed and defined as a predicator of success.
Culture, as defined by Florea, Goldbach, & Goldbach (2011), is essential, as it affects service quality, organizational productivity, and financial results. This occurs even more so in a hospital setting, an area in which cultures vary within the healthcare providers and their patients. The literature on organizational culture and its impact on nurses and the healthcare system are increasing in frequency due to the increase in cultural variety noted in healthcare organizations. According to the article, Improving Hospital Performance through Organizational Culture (2011), many prior researchers believed that organizational culture had potential effects on employee motivation and behavior. They believed that it affected employees’ productivity, performance, commitment, self-confidence and ethical behavior and many have tested the validity of this theory by researching and studying the organizational cultures within several industries. Prior research has showed that there is a link between excellent cultural organization and overall employee performance. Chee, Kamal, & Wingender (2011) decided to conduct a study of their own to determine how organizational culture
Organizational culture is a system of values that are shared within an organization (textbook). An organization that emphasizes the importance of its values will have a strong culture (textbook). If members do not agree with the established values the organization will have a weak culture (textbook). Baptist Memorial Health Care and Methodist LeBonheur Health Care are similar in many ways. Both organizations strive to provide the best healthcare services to the community. Both organizations are a not-for-profit healthcare system. Both companies have values centered on faith based inspirations. However, Baptist Memorial Health Care has established partnerships with physicians in the community to grow the organization. Patients want to receive care from a physician they are familiar
Organizational culture has been described as shared values and beliefs that underline a company’s identity. A strong culture that encourages employees from the top to the bottom in adaptation and change can increase organizational performance by energizing and motivating employees, shape behaviors, unify personnel in the goals / objectives and align employee’s actions with the priorities of the company (Daft, R., 2013). Creating a constructive culture should be a manager’s top priority because the right culture will propel a company into a top performer in its industry.
Organizational culture includes an organization’s values, language, traditions, customs and specific issues that are so foundational that they cannot or will not be changed. UMC’s organizational culture is immediately experienced when entering the facility. The internal stakeholders display pride in their work, display the values of integrity, excellence, compassion and collaboration. This was demonstrated by welcoming visitors to the hospital, being greeted with smiles, volunteering to assist anyone and working together as a team to ensure patient and visitor well-being. During meetings,
Organizational culture is a vital aspect of any successful business or organization. A positive culture can help attract and retain loyal and committed employees, which, in turn, can strengthen relationships with customers and other partners. Just like any other asset, organizational culture must be monitored and nurtured to ensure that it reflects the organization and its
Customer service is developed by the patient’s satisfaction and the effect it has on the health care system. Customer service is the face of every business and specially the health care system which it provides leaders with an idea of how the business should look or act. The healthcare systems benefit from the opportunities made by patients. Patients should be the instrument to provide guidance while the physician advocates for the patient’s health. Customer service is a support system between the patient and the physician and without that support system then there is not guidance for a better lifestyle for patients. This is a competitive market that have a few limitations and those limitations start with customer service in healthcare and how to provide the best care for patients. These challenges that the healthcare system face will overcome those obstacles and bring out their best principles to make the system better. Patient centered care relates to customer service and should be recognized as the central focus. High- quality healthcare systems provide satisfaction to patients to show that their experience will be well worth it because their physicians care about their patient’s health.
It is also revealed that organizational culture enables the company to acquire new skills to enhance effectiveness as a learning oragnisation. It also promotes employee familiarisation with the overall operation of the organization. In other words, organizational culture facilitates the generation of well-rounded employees who are well-equipped and capable of providing newer or better products and services for their customers, resulting to having an effective and competent strategic implementation of the company of consolidating the number one(no.1) market leadership position has been achieved through: