
Cyber Threats

Decent Essays


11 August 2012

The ten cyber security threats in the IT world are boosts in mobile drives and in security tasks, increased C-suite targeting, growing use of social media that will contribute to personal cyber threats, being already infected, and everything physical can be digital. This paper discusses what these threats are, how to defeat and/or demonstrate proficiency in defeating the cyber threats, and the rising importance of cyber security at the work place.

These security threats are becoming more common every day. Workplaces and personal lives are being attacked by using smaller more mobile devices. Therefore these cyber threats will be …show more content…

This in turn can help hackers find out passwords that over all could result in a loss of control of the operations of basic functions within the company (Securities, 2012). To mitigate this use of available site monitoring software should be used to remove any new information about the executives could deter or deflect hackers from building a successful portfolio. Infection is inevitable for a company in this day in age. With some many variables and systems out there a corporation will become infected but the key is to control the infection. To control infection spend an enormous amount of time scanning the servers for unexplained code or files. This will help eliminate code that has been introduced into the system. Another way to mitigate infection overload is to have 24 hour security that will observe and predict new tactics for placing unauthorized code inside the network (Securities, 2012). In this day in age everything that is physical can become digital. All smartphones have cameras that can take pictures that could be used against a corporation especially if they are posted online to a social media site. Hackers can look at a picture that is harmless in nature and pick out possible information from that picture like passwords and usernames posted on cubicle walls. To stop or mitigate this all employees should not have anything on their cubicle walls like

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