
Cyberbullying Is When A Person Or Group Of People Harass Another Individual

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Cyberbullying is when a person or group of people harass another individual. Cyberbullying on social networks has gotten out of hand. Social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have created a way for teenagers to start bullying each other in ways that are unlike the typical bully. Cyberbullying started out basically taking over Facebook; however, as more teenagers’ family members started to join that specific website then the bullying on Facebook started to dwindle. Everything switched over to Twitter and Instagram where the bullying could be seen but not by family members. My own experience happened on Instagram. I had posted a picture of myself with a crazy hairstyle that my cousin had done to me, because we were just playing around. A random person, who does not even know me, decided to cyberbully me. She said very rude things about my hair. If the person actually knew me it would not have been so bad, because I knew it would be a possible joke. However, it coming from someone who does not even know me I took offense to it and it really did hurt my feelings. There are other teenagers out in this world that deal with much worse than I did and they turn to very harmful solutions. Cyberbullying on social networks is a threat to the teenagers of today and effects of this rampant disaster can tear apart their lives. First of all, Substance abuse can be one negative effect of cyberbullying. Teenagers these days can get practically anything they want.

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