
Cyzewski Theology Without Prayer Analysis

Decent Essays

Cyzewski makes a great point in chapter 7 when he says “ Theology without prayer is like trying to drive without gas or a destination.” I have heard this before and it is true. Prayer is the glue that holds our relationship with God together. I view prayer as a key element to having a deep meaningful relationship with God. In church when I was younger I heard more sermons than I can count on the importance of prayer. Ranging from praying in public, to praying with others and how prayer keeps your connection with God close. One thing that was new that Cyzewski talks about is the practice of Lectio Divina, an ancient practice of pray right from the Bible. It is simple it requires only a Bible. It combines prayer with reading your Bible. Cyzewski likes how this practice purposely creates room for the Holy Spirt. I think this is important, because so many times people read their Bible just to mark it off their list. They don’t dive into looking to gain something. This creates a barrier and makes it difficult to get what God intended to show you. …show more content…

He acknowledges the differences in denominations and he continues to acknowledge such differences but he doesn’t jump in the mud pit with them. Instead he focuses on how they are alike saying “ The answer lies in what all Christians have in common: a love for God.” Even going as fair to call theology an on-going conversation between friends. Also saying, “ Again, we don’t need to follow any particular formula to do contextual theology, as long as the Bible stands as the primary source in our studies”. As long as the Bible is at the center of our beliefs then we are getting what God intended for us to

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