
DI And Lomax's Dilemmas

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Session held at client's home. When DI arrived to session Lomax was playing the piano. Lomax did a great job ,following instructions given by DI such as cleaning his room, fixing his bed, clean ups his bathroom. Lomax need it more than two directive prompt and one model prompt to wash the dishes. Lomax refused to wash the dishes DI and client's mom need it to prompt after Lomax was done with the dishes Lomax did an science experiment to show to DI. DI and Lomax talk about middle school, based on Lomax information he is exited to go to middle school because he will have band Monday-Friday. I'd addition Lomax mentioned to DI that he doesn't like to ride the bus because there are kids go are mean to him and the kids on the bus are too loud. DI,

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