Session held at client's home. When DI arrived to session Lomax was playing the piano. Lomax did a great job ,following instructions given by DI such as cleaning his room, fixing his bed, clean ups his bathroom. Lomax need it more than two directive prompt and one model prompt to wash the dishes. Lomax refused to wash the dishes DI and client's mom need it to prompt after Lomax was done with the dishes Lomax did an science experiment to show to DI. DI and Lomax talk about middle school, based on Lomax information he is exited to go to middle school because he will have band Monday-Friday. I'd addition Lomax mentioned to DI that he doesn't like to ride the bus because there are kids go are mean to him and the kids on the bus are too loud. DI,
After reviewing his schedule Jordan began attempting to locate his lunch items. Staff used gestural prompts to help Jordan locate the first two items and a verbal prompt to locate the final item. Jordan attempted to locate an open line but needed help with finding an “open” line. Jordan completed the rest of the checkout process but needed help with swiping his card. When arriving to the house, staff helped Jordan with preparing his lunch. Jordan consumed all of his lunch and then had some leisure time. Staff prompted Jordan to pack his gym bag before heading to the YMCA. Jordan arrived at the YMCA, checked in, and then navigated to the locker room to get dressed. Jordan located his machine but needed assistance starting it and setting the speed. Jordan stopped his workout to take a break but was able to quickly start back up and finish the task. Jordan navigated tot the locker room to complete his shower. Jordan needed a prompt to locate and wash his left leg and left arm. When finished, Jordan got dressed and headed back to paal to be picked
Intervention: Ms. Smalls (MHP), Santonias and Ms. Givens (MHS) discussed Santonias complying with the rules of the home. MHP and Santonias had a discussing about his NFL football team as a way to build rapport. MHP requests feedback on possible goals from Santonias and MHS for Individual Plan of Care. MHP, Santonias and MHS discuss and process an incident that happened at the school’s gym.
I spoke with juvenile who stated that he was having a bad day since before school started and was unable to speak with Mr.Kilpatrick because juvenile was not trying to say something he would later regret. Juvenile stated that he would go back in the separate room. Juvenile spoke with Mr.Kilpatrick and was able to go in the room like he was asked
MSTT met with Christine and Calysta for a session. MSTT ask Christine and Calysta to explain what has happened over the past week because MSTT was on vacation. Christine explained everything has been going good and Calysta have been helping out around the home more. Christine stated she believe there has been a change in Calysta's behavior because she has not had contact with her friend. Calysta did have her court hearing and was assigned a probation officer. She has not met with the probation officer has of yet but they have spoken with her and a home visit is scheduled for following week. MSTT will schedule to attend the meeting with the probation officer. MSTT will continue to work with Christine on setting age appropriate consequences for
Client started that she got confused with the day her son Keury supposed to attend to the summer camp. Child will be attending to the second session, which is July 13, 2015 to July 31, 2015. Cm reminded client to think of sending her son the summer camp, child don’t like to follow the rules and he likes to run when someone saying something or if had to follow rules. Client stated that her son love to do different activities and he will enjoy the summer camp. Client stated that her son is going to behave
A, B) MSTT met with the caregiver to examine how she plans to increase the supervision and monitoring of the youth while out in public. Caregiver expressed while the youth is at home she is going to speak with her mother and his aunt to help while she's at work. MSTT encouraged caregiver to reach out to the school and ask them if they would be able to supervise and monitor him. Caregiver contacted the school and is waiting to hear a response. MSTT will continue to work with the caregiver in increasing the supervision
Identify the communication roadblocks these barriers present in the scenario. To review the communication roadblocks, read the information found in lesson 3.3. (5 points)
The director stated, "A representative would come in and give the teachers exercises to work with the child as well as spend one on one time with child." The director reported, "Kayla's brother says the F-word a lot and talks about sex all the time." The director listened as the QP informed her the TL is a crisis responder plus there is mobile crisis that will come out to the person that is
R-Staff observed NV driving to the grocery store and back with his sisters car, staff noticed that NV seemed a little nervous and hands shaking when he was on the road. Staff EW encouraged NV to stay calm and observe the cars that where around him. Then Staff EW talked with NV what he wanted to do in the near future when it ceoms to different carrar choices. NV dicussed how he is really passitoneate aout working in the music
Michael has had a very rough morning. It started during language arts class. Ms. Woods was administering a district wide language arts assessment, and Michael began arguing about the website that he needed to go on. Mrs. Wood's ignored him, and attempted to direct him back to the proper site.
A,B,C) MSTT and Sabrina disucss with Esmrel is negative school behaviors and how the breakup and separation is affecting him. Esmrel explained the breakup does not bother him but the separation does bother him, because he want his parents to stay together. Sabrina explained to Esmrel why she has to leave and move on and asked what she could be to help him deal with the situation. MSTT, Sabrina and Esmrel continued the discussion and will contiune to assess Esmrel feeling during the transition
Mother explained that the client studies but takes the exam fast. PP and FF asked if the school makes adjustments for the client since he has an IEP. Mother shared she doesn’t know. PP encouraged mother to talk to the teachers and make sure the client has his academics needs. Mother agreed to talk to the teachers and once CFS comes back from leave he will go to the school too. FF and PP went over family concerns, ways the wrap team can support them and mission statement. Client shared that he would like to improve his grades to participate in a school sport. PP and FF praised the client for wanting to improve his academics and want to participate in a school sport. Mother expressed her mission is to close her case and not reopen. PP praised mother for sharing and wanting to close her case and leave in the pass. Mother expressed concerns over client behavior at home and school. Mother shared that client talks back and doesn’t follow directions at home. Client shared that he doesn’t like to be the only child doing chores at home. Client shared that he gets frustrated and talks back to mother. Mother expressed that she relies on the client a lot to do chores because he is the oldest. PP
Kathy and Raymond have visits one day per week for two hours per day. Worker supervises these visits once per month. The first visit this worker will be supervising is on November 23, 2016. These visits occur at the Godfrey, Illinois McDonalds play place, but were taking place outside in the community prior to this when the weather is nicer. During the last supervised visit the case assistant observed Raymond reading the newspaper. The tried children interact with the case assistant; the case assistant redirects the children to interact with Kathy and Raymond. Johnathan spent most of the visit in the play place and Zoey spent most of the visit on the tablet. Raymond left the visit and returned 20 minutes later telling Kathy “they (the children)
The worker asked Emerson what was new since the last visit. He told the worker that nothing is new. The worker asked Emerson how was school coming along. he stated good. the worker asked Emerson what was good about it, he stated that he is getting his work done. The worker told Emerson that she would contact his teacher to get an update on how he was doing. He nodded his head in agreement. The worker shared with Emerson that there is a fall camping trip coming up in November 12- November 13 and November 19-20. Emerson stated that he wants to go. The worker told him that she would give his mother the forms and would pick them up at the next visit to their home. The worker asked Emerson what did he want for Christmas now that he is able to attend camp for the fall. He stated that he wants a gift card and LED light sneakers. The worker agreed to put in the request but could not promise that the request would be fulfilled. Emerson stated that he understood. The worker asked Emerson how do you keep him self safe. He stated that if he felt unsafe he would tell someone. The worker asked who he stated a teacher his father or mother or aunt. The worker asked Emerson when was the last time he saw his father. He stated that he see his father often because he helps his father at the store. The worker asked Emerson if he had any questions for the worker he stated no. The worker thanked Emerson for his time and the contact
The travel minutes are high, due to the youth lives in Victorville. WYP Ngo spent some time playing video games with the youth and playing with the youth's siblings. WYP Ngo dropped off some school supplies for the family. WYP Ngo checked in with the youth and the siblings. The youth and the siblings started school last week. The kids take the bus to school and home. The kids go to a public school, but the grandfather is looking into a Charter school. WYP Ngo gathered some information during the the meeting. The youth is enrolled in special education, due to an IEP (Individual Education Plan) with the school and the grandfather. The youth is upset about being placed in a special education, because he feels embarrassed. WYP Ngo attempted to