
Dance Reflection

Decent Essays

After spending a semester in improvisation class, I can honestly say that this course has been one of the hardest, annoying, but probably the most relevant and important dance classes I have taken thus far in my dancing life. This course also turned out to be the complete opposite of what I originally thought it was going to be like. At the beginning of the semester, I was a firm believer that improvisation, was any movement that a dancer does that is on the spot, random, wild, and without thought. I also had this big belief that when a dancer performed an improvisation, that it was supposed to make sense and show the talents of the dancer. With that being said, I came into the class thinking that I was going to spend the semester listening to different types of music and figuring out how to improvise to those music selections as well as learn how to improvise different dance genres. Essentially, I thought I was going to learn how to improvise for the point of being showy and performing. Of course, through this course, I realized that yes one can improvise for the point of performance, but in this class, we did so much more than just do showy improvisations. Instead, I got the chance to really explore my natural self as a dancer and learn the science behind improvisation. Writing about improvisation is such a hard thing to do because improvisation is such a complex and emotionally deep activity to participate in. However, what I am trying to get out, is that what was

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