
Technique And Autonomy In The Development Of Art: A Case Study In Ballet

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Hammond, S.N. and Hammond, P.E. “Technique and Autonomy in the Development of Art: A Case Study in Ballet.” Dance Research Journal, 21(2), (1989), pp. 15-24.
Scope: Dance Research Journal, Vol. 21, No. 2, (1989), pp. 15-24 Published by Congress on Research in Dance
Topic: This article delves into comparisons and differences of contemporary and older forms of ballet.
Thesis: This article is mainly concerned with comparing contemporary ballet with the earliest forms of ballet. By showing these comparisons the reader is able to understand how ballet evolved under many aspects. Some of these aspects include choreography, technique, and roles of men and women. In addition, the authors also go into some broad theories in art and relate them back …show more content…

“The Legs of the Theorist.” Dance Research Journal, 32(2), (2000), pp. 120-124.
Scope: Dance Research Journal, Vol. 32, No. 2, (2000), pp. 120-124 Published by Congress on Research in Dance
Topic: This article delves into the idea of the femme fatal. The author illustrates this idea through self-photographs composed by artist Countess de Castiglione.
Thesis: Within this article the artist Countess de Castiglione tells a story of the femme fatal through self-taken photographs. This is important and a great feat because she does not show her face in any of the photographs. By doing this she conceals the audience or onlooker from becoming personal with her and looking at her through the male gaze. In each of the photographs her legs are positioned in a different way. Each photograph is choreographed through her legs to tell the story.
Relevance: This article will aid in my argument of ballet being seen under only one gaze. This is because I will be able to relate what artist Countess de Castiglione did with her photographs to ballet specifically the female body. I will also be able to incorporate some background concerning what modern dance did as they concealed the face. I will also be able to express a connection between dance and another art form for my

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