
Databases Essay

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We live in a world where everything information is accissable almost every where. Most people thing of technology as something that is connected to the satellite but we all know what it is in reality. From the time that you are born to the time when your leave a country your information is available to people. Today billions of people use facebook, google. Every time you make an account you are supposed to give them your information but that not it there are so many other thigns that are stored using technology. Your grades, passport, visa. Where are how do these information get stored. They get stored computers or the technical term databases. Just like that the computers database have also come a long way. Database existed since antient …show more content…

For example, if some on had to listen to a song on a tape they would have to rewind it to the exact spot of the tape to get the information that they needed.
That’s is what caused the invention of file systems. The file system closely resembled a filing cabinet. Just like a filing cabinet Information was stored in files or directories. These folders could be placed in other folders thus creating hierarchy i.e. it eradicated a single directory or folder, and this was the basis for the file hierarchy system. The reason File Systems are necessary is because it ensures reliability in data storage and it also manages access and retrieving data much easier and quicker. But this wasn’t the end of databases, new technology kept coming into the market.
As computers grew in speed and capability the same had to be with information storage. In the 1960s, the term database management was coined in to existence. That’s when two standards emerged, the hierarchical model was by IBM’s Information Management System and the other was the Network model by Charles Bachman IDS (Integrated Data Store). With the introduction of these two models indicated how serious business data was becoming to the world.
Then came relational database, Edgar Codd, who worked for the IBM’s San Jose Research Laboratory came up with a revolutionary database that would change the way information was stored. He used a “A Relational Model of Data for Large

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