
David And Goliath Summary

Decent Essays

Part One of Malcolm Gladwell’s David and Goliath was a wonderful read that I connected to greatly, probably more so than the other sections. This segment dealt with our perception of advantages and disadvantages. This was due to the fact that Gladwell used stories that I related to more and found most interesting as a whole. I especially loved Chapter Three’s subject dealing with a student by the name of Caroline Sacks and her choice between going to a large university versus going to a small one because it was a conflict that I myself had. I have since been very happy with my choice to go with a smaller school and was surprised to see how many statistics supported the idea. As someone who loves studying history, one of my favorite ways Gladwell structures his narrative is when he uses historical events to make his very personal points. He begins the Caroline Sacks chapter with an anecdote about the French Impressionists and how they decided that it was “better to be a Big Fish in a Little Pond that a Little Fish in a Big Pond” (Gladwell 74). This, of course, ties into Caroline Sacks’ decision, …show more content…

This section, I believe, was a little less focused with each chapter’s messages being more muddled compared to the first part of the book. While I did connect with the dyslexia section and found the tale of IKEA’s creator to be extremely interesting, I thought his connection made from that to people’s reactions during the London Blitz needed more development. Also, as a side note, why did Gladwell act like revealing Brian Grazer’s profession was a surprise? Anyone who has ever seen any Ron Howard Oscar bait movie knows this guy’s name. I was definitely onboard with the idea with the ideas of this work after Part One, but I feel like Part Two stumbled a little

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