David DeJonge is a seasoned veteran in public relations, brand name identity, marketing and SMM. 30 years of experience as a photo journalist, business owner/ builder and 10 years service of public relations managing high profile international media (Broadcast & print. local & networks) makes him a keen strategist for implementation of your mission and execution of your goals.
-Marketing: SMM, brand name identity, press releases and business growth.
-Communications: marketing, media interviews and facilitation of press conferences.
-Non-Profit: Passage of two laws signed by President Obama, restoration of War Memorial on National Mall (Washington, DC) and the production of a feature length film.
Expansive biography:
Beginning in
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This involved press releases, interviews and schedule meet and greet with the subjects for interviews.
In 2004 He strategized, mapped and executed a cross country fundraising cruise for ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) which raised $400,000. This project involved organizing a multi media team that drove from Chicago to Santa Barbara along Route 66. Part of the project was to locate subjects in each state, arrange an interview, photo and video shoot to align with the group of 75 traveling schedule. Each day DeJonge oversaw deliverables of video, photography, and reports which were then dispersed to the start point, locations of subjects and national media.
In 2006, DeJonge started a large scale campaign that involved over 100,000 miles of travel, press relations on local, state, regional, national and international level. This yielded an unprecedented amount of media coverage. The project was to document the last survivors of World War One. DeJonge located, interviewed, photographed and filmed each subject in American and England. He served in a consulting role to the United States Department of Veterans Affairs in Washington DC where verification of each veteran would be
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Simultaneously they fought for a law to create a National WWI Memorial. A law was passed by the government appointed agency (not DeJonge's 501c3 WWI Memorial Foundation) for a National memorial at a location that would prove to be dire.
DeJonge has been opposed to this location and has continued his media campaign and writes op eds for the Washington Post and other publications.
DeJonge was the director and producer of Pershing's Last Patriot a feature length documentary on the WWI Memorial effort. It is distributed on Amazon, GooglePlay, iTunes, and YouTube as well as DVD.
DeJonge launched Legacy Icons in 2009 which produces Orthodox Christian Icons. This business has doubled consecutively every year since opening. It has surpassed all established manufacturers and produces tens of thousands of units annually. He manages a staff of ten and manages the brand name identity and SMM of Legacy Icons. Legacy Icons has 15,000 followers on Facebook with a weekly imprint of over 30-50,000 impressions.
David Von Drehle is a renowned journalist who started his career at the age of seventeen working for The Denver Post. He was born in Denver, Colorado and finished his undergraduate studies in University of Denver in 1983. While at the University of Denver he was the editor of student newspaper Denver Clarion and he was also Boettcher Foundation Scholar. David later finished his Master’s degree in Literatures from University of Oxford, England. David was the youngest sports writer when he started his career with The Denver Post. In 1985, he left The Denver Post and started working for Miami Herald where he was recognized for his amazing work as young journalist and was awarded with Livingston Award. David Von Drehle moved to The Washington
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. ALS is also named Lou Gehrig’s disease because he was the first person to bring ALS to a national attention in the 1930’s. Lou Gehrig’s amazing professional baseball career was ended short by this horrific disease. There are multiple treatments for ALS, but no cure for this fatal disease. In 2014, ALS was brought to major attention by the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Although Lou has the disease named after him, there are several other notable individuals who have been diagnosed with ALS. These individuals include Stephen Hawking, Jim Hunter, Steve Gleason, George Yardley
He argues that the government (notably John and Robert Kennedy) got King and other leaders to tone down the protest. He says the government gave the protest its official support, but at the cost of making it a much less confrontational and revolutionary act
Steve Gleason’s battle with ALS hasn’t been easy, yet he shows us what courage really is. Steve remained strong and determined to beat ALS. What sets Steve Gleason apart from most others is that instead of becoming self focused on beating ALS, he became determined to beat it and help others win the fight. His choice to fight this disease is impressive enough but his work to bring worldwide awareness to ALS through his own organization, Team Gleason (slogan, “No white flags”) goes beyond
"We could have been brothers, but they never want us to know that" (Mann, 1979). The 1979 television film All Quiet on the Western Front depicts the story of Paul Bauman, a German soldier fresh out of high school who decided to enlist for World War I. Throughout the course of the film, viewers see the general events of World War I from the eyes of the “losers”, the Germans. Through the use of a German perspective, the portrayal of the horrors of war, and showing the difference of opinions back home and on the front, All Quiet on the Western Front advocates for a more realistic approach for the dramatization of war and learning an unbiased history.
Select channels of communication – this would vary depending on the target audience. This could include press conference, fact sheets and public
happened in Vietnam. Back home, on April 17, 1965, twenty-five thousand people picketed the White House. They would all assemble at the Washington Monument for speeches by Senator Ernest Gruening of Alaska and African American leaders, and walked up to the Mall to the Capitol. Many opponents were “realists” and thought that the war was a mistake (The American Journey). On May 10, 1968, the US and N. Vietnam began finally talking about a peace treaty. During this time,
Furthermore technology contributes money and awareness for organizations. In the past there was an ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, which is where people pour buckets of ice cold water on their head in order to spread awareness for ALS. “2.2 million twitter
As Henry James sees it, characters are only as interesting as their responses to particular situations. This is true not only in any piece of literature with a character but also in life. I following text is my exploration into characters and their reactions to situations in John Steinbeck’s, "The Chrysanthemums" and John Cheever’s, "The Five-Forty-Eight". Characters in both of these stories are full of passion and come alive in the text as you read them. It is this resurrection of the text to full life in your mind’s eye that is at the core why people like to read!
The World War II Memorial gives honor to the 16 million Americans who served during this terrible war (World War II Memorial, 2013). On May 25, 1993, President Clinton signed a law saying that the American Battle Monuments Commission
Although the McMillan Plan left some room for interpretation, it also continued to promote some national ideals – and demonstrators took advantage of that “state-sponsored fiction of universality… [and] made the Mall the nation’s premier setting for political assembly and protest.” More simply, protestors used the glorified sense of union promoted on the Mall to push forward their political dissent. This principle is particularly relevant in understanding the Civil Rights Movement’s utilization of the National Mall. In August 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. and other civil rights leaders planned a “‘prayer pilgrimage’ to the Lincoln Memorial,” where King delivered his most famous speech on its steps. King’s choice to deliver his speech at this memorial was undeniably deliberate. Abolitionist President Lincoln led the United States through the Civil War and gained a reputation as the man who ended slavery. King’s speech, delivered at the memorial that honored that man, outlined the principles of racial equality – focusing on many of the shortcomings in American society. King’s choice of venue suggested that although the Lincoln Memorial celebrated equality in principle, the United States had a long way to go regarding this issue. This demonstration’s use of a feature on the National Mall demonstrated the hypocrisy of it, as the public space honored a doctrine that was not universally practiced in everyday American life. This march was one of the first of its kind, but it was certainly not the last. Throughout the latter half of the twentieth century, demonstrations have utilized features of the National Mall to promote relevant political causes. Demonstrations against the Vietnam War occurred frequently on the National Mall, many of which were less carefully
I raised money for scholarships to camp; helping hundreds of kids come to camp that would be unable to afford it otherwise. Development of a diverse staff was important to me. So I recruited, interviewed and hired central city staff to be part of camp. This involved going to their neighborhood for interviews because they had no means of getting to camp.
During the Victorian Era, the upper class would lounge in luxury and bask in glory while the lower class suffered and endured hardships throughout their lives. Charles Dickens reveals the power and the effects of Victorian social hierarchy in his writing. These privileges the upper class possessed, such as better living conditions and much more opulence, caused them to behave arrogantly with members of the lower class. Throughout his lifetime, members of the upper class demeaned and degraded Charles Dickens. A wealthy banker’s daughter rejected him solely because of his destitution and the upper class treated him cruelly in the factory where he worked.
First of all, anger is believed to be a natural thought that is assumed to be sometimes unwanted or irrational, and they are believed to be emotions that everybody can experience during life time as suggested by Sanders et la., 2004 . In this view, anger as suggested is believed to be one of the most powerful, yet misunderstood emotions, and that unfortunately, individuals’ misconceptions about anger lead to a lot of dysfunctional behaviour; as such, below are common myths about anger:
The ice bucket challenge seemingly drenched the world back in 2014. It involved dumping a bucket full of freezing ice water on oneself in order to bring about awareness for the disease ALS. One would then nominate others to do the challenge as well, whilst giving a monetary donation of their choice to the ALS association for research funds thereafter. The challenge is basically broken down into three steps: accepting the challenge from nomination, uploading a video of the person doing the challenge, and giving a donation on that person 's behalf. Even after the ice bucket challenge craze, many people nationwide are unaware of what the disease is actually about.Informed individuals know that ALS is a life-devastating disease that can immediately turn a person 's life in a completely different direction. This disease can cause immense amounts of heartache on those that are part of the patient’s life, especially on the own patient. A strong, independent, and healthy being can turn into an incapacitated and no longer self- sufficient person in only a matter of few years. Control of the body gradually becomes irretrievable, but the mind is always aware; as a whole, it can be thought of as being mentally imprisoned in a dysfunctional and foreign body, only being able see life pass away like water through their fingers. Given that there is a boundless range of information on the subject in terms of ALS, only so much can be covered to be able to be considered an overview. There are