
David Pink Methods Of Motivation Analysis

Decent Essays

Daniel Pink used operating systems as a way of a metaphor to introduce us the three type of motivations, Motivation 1.0, Motivation 2.0, and Motivation 3.0. Before we start talking about Motivation 3.0, we need to discuss about 1.0 and 2.0 Motivation 1.0 is basically survival aka Survival of the Fittest. Motivation 2.0 however is a way to seek motivation towards rewards and punishment (Pink pg. 16). Motivation 3.0 is basically Motivation 1.0 and 2.0 combined where as humans should have the will to survive as well as having a will to earn rewards and be punished. David Pink believes that Motivation 3.0 is the best type of Motivation there is because he thinks that having a mixture of Motivation 1.0 and Motivation 2.0 will help us in almost …show more content…

Maybe it is just me but I generally have a hard time finishing what I have started. This is where Motivation 3.0 comes in. If I set up a goal and if I have accomplished that, either me or my parents will give me a reward. If I end up doing better, say, studying all night and passing a test the next day, this is where I would double dip into my rewards and celebrate even more. And if I do study and not pass the test, that is where the punishment would come in and either retake the class later or never hear the end of it from anybody …show more content…

If there is a job opening for three positions and over three hundred people apply for that position, this is where Motivation 3.0 comes in. Basically, getting that position fits in as a survival of the fittest because there are over three hundred people are applying and only the best of the best would be able to get that position. And if you do get the position, you would go out and celebrate for getting the job and rewarding yourself with it. As years will go by, just like in real life, you will be changing operating systems. At first, you will be Motivation 3.0 but eventually, you could turn into Motivation 1.0 and not reward yourself and have self-instinct for being the best. Eventually, you could also change to Motivation 2.0 and maybe rewarding yourself way too often and not try for your best (Pink pg. 19) in which you could lose your job for not even trying your best. In other circumstances, I don’t think you need to reply on other operating systems independently because Motivation 3.0 is a perfect combination of Motivation 1.0 and Motivation 2.0 and I personally do not think that would have to go back and just rely on one of those operating systems by itself (Pink pg.

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