
David Premack Punishment

Decent Essays

David Premack’s principles of reinforcement and of punishment states that a high- probability behavior can be used to reinforce a low-probability behavior. This theory suggests that if a person wants to perform an activity, the person will perform a less desirable activity to get to the one they want, the activity themselves are the reinforcers. An individual is more motivated to perform an activity if they know they will be able to take part in a more desirable activity therefore. If more desirable behaviors are made contingent upon less desirable behaviors, then the lower probability behaviors are more likely to occur. This principle states that punishment is the opposite of reinforcement: If reinforcement strengthens behavior, then punishment weakens behavior.

An example of this would be if a class of children have a hard time following a reading lesson in school. The teacher promises the class a break for outside recess but only if the class focuses on the reading lesson. It would be much easier for the children to focus and work hard at their reading lesson if they knew they would be rewarded with outside time. Another example would be if a mother tells her child that they must finish their vegetables (low frequency) …show more content…

By modeling they are demonstrating the behavior themselves. After this they will assist the client in imitating the behavior. The client will work with the therapist to list treatment goals and to determine target behaviors. Modeling therapy is based on social learning theory. This theory emphasizes the importance of learning from observing and imitating role models, and learning about rewards and punishments that follow behavior. The technique has been used to eliminate unwanted behaviors, reduce excessive fears, facilitate learning of social

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