
Daycare Disadvantages

Decent Essays

As I grew up I remember my mother told me stories about how she worked in a Daycare facility while my brother would attend for free. She always tell me education always comes first. I never really understood why she said that until I was old enough to put the pieces together. Both of my parents were High School dropouts and went straight to the workforce to provide for a family. She told me daycare was one of the best choices she had made for the education of her children, she always said that it helped her get my brother academically ready. It gave him a chance to interact with other children, he came out of his shy shell. Also structural wise he did not have an issue with familiarizing himself with the school's daily schedule. According …show more content…

(eXtension) It is proven that children learn from hands on learning rather than sitting down and forced to listen to the teacher. Realizing that children have short attention spans made me automatically aware that by having children sit and listen to you for more than 10 minutes will turn into absolute chaos. They will get up and run around, and not pay attention to you at all. As for a daycare facility they have toys for children to play with not just any toys but toys that teach children how to differentiate colors, count your numbers, tell you what the animal is and what noises it makes. Therefore, daycare facilities have a huge impact on children in their basic learning and developing skills.

Everyday you have a certain schedule, for example you wake up, brush your teeth, shower and get ready for work or school and etc. As for children they need to develop some type of schedule; without that they will have a hard time in behavioral, and stability skills. A basic daycare structural schedule contains circle time, snack time, diaper change, outside activities, indoor activities, and free play. One of the articles I stumbled across was called “The Importance of routines in Children”. The article makes a point that caught my eye stating, ” Kids do not have a lot of control in their lives, but routines can give them a sense of organization, stability, and comfort.” As this sense of mastery is strengthened they can tackle larger changes; walking to

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