Before the appointment of the lady inspectors, health and safety regulations were slowly being implemented across the United Kingdom. Technological advancements brought forth by industrialisation throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries meant that the workplace was changing, and as such new challenges for workers were created. In the new working environments, dangerous and unhealthy conditions were rife. Accidents were extremely common in the new working environments and for example, in Manchester Infirmary in 1832, one quarter of all in-patients admitted came from factory related accidents. Long working hours led to exhaustion, and frequently led to injury or death as important jobs, such as the opening of ventilation flats in the
T2 will do a gesture warm up, after make a round with all the children in front of the classroom. The objective of the game is that the students repeat the gesture that the teacher make when she pass two keys to the person next to it. For example, if she pass the two keys open, or if she open the legs while the passing, the students must repeat the same action, without an advertising of the teacher. The teacher will say if the person who has the keys do it well or not.
Hy5 is known as the industry's leader in flood damage repair in Ulverston, using top ranking techniques and flood specialists who are well trained in operating modern equipment and effective cleaning products.
I hope I never have to go through something life this, but if I would I think I would do the same procedure I have at the assistant living I work at. There we were told to make sure we keep ourself safe while helping others! In that case, I would tell the patient in Exam Room 4 to hide and to keep the door closed and locked (if they can). That way the shooter would have to barricade through things before getting to the patient. I would also tell the patient to very quietly call 911 and tell them that we have an active shooter in the office. Then if it was safe, I would hurry to Exam Room 2 and tell those patients that same thing. Since the infants parents are with, I would quickly tell them to hide anywhere they can in that room and to lock
Over the last century health and social care has changed and developed immensely with the implementation of the NHS and becoming a welfare state. Prior to this health care was only available to a minority of people, those who could afford it. In 1815 the old poor law was passed, it stated that each parish must look after its own poor and those who could not work were provided enough money to help them survive. By 1830 the poor law cost around £7 million, which came from taxing the middle and upper class, causing a sense of resentment towards lower class, unemployed people. In 1834 the new poor law was passed, its aim was to reduce the cost of looking after the poor. Workhouses helped with this, they provided clothes, food and healthcare in return for manual labour. Despite
When in a health and social care environment, there are always strategies and procedures in place which will help individuals to be at minimal risk of abuse. However there needs to be specific procedures in place that will help decrease any amount of risk.
Each time period had people with different views of disability and ways of treating those with disabilities. For example, early European colonists in 1492-1700 had a definition for disability that discussed productivity in regards to things such as class and gender. For children who were born with disabilities, the women were always blamed. For the time period of 1700-1776, slaves who had "undesirable bodies" were left to die. After that until 1865, African and indigenous women compared to white women were compared to animals and viewed negatively due to their features. Each time period had people who viewed disabilities in different capacities and took
I work closely with my team ensuring that all staff are treated with respect and encouraging them to develop their own skills and knowledge whilst sharing their experiences with colleagues.
The Communication Cycle was first identified in 1965 by Charles Berner.Then later reform by Arygale; who was a psychologist.
No Secrets – Guidance published by the Department of Health, builds upon the governments respects for human rights and highlights the need to protect vulnerable adults through effective multi-agency work.
A health service is a service that provides care and is under the NHS. For examples hospitals or a G.P. They provide treatments but also prevent illnesses through health promotions. A social care service is about providing support to individuals to help them get by and who ever needs it such as emotional support or practical support with daily living tasks.
M1- Discuss how policies and procedures help children, young people and their families whilst the child is being looked after.
Physical abuse is abuse involving contact intended to cause feelings of intimidation, pain, injury, or other physical suffering or bodily harm..
D1: Make recommendations in relation to identified hazards to minimise the risks to the service user group.
In my workplace things change on daily basis, problems occur. That means that systems in place might need changing. It is mine responsibility that policies, procedures and systems of communicating are kept up to date and those in place are correct. Care Plans, documents are checked on regular basis, reviewed and up dated when required. Residents’ needs change from day to day therefore we have formal or informal chats to discuss what has changed and how to meet these needs. Handovers also keep staff informed about new happenings. Policies that are changed through companies are out into practise and old files archived. Information that is no longer in use is stored away and archived. We have in place procedures that we follow and hand them over
Give 3 examples of what you can do in your day to day work to support equality and inclusion and reduce discrimination