
Deaf Awareness Presentation

Decent Essays

Seminar Presentation on Deaf Awareness

For this presentation, I was asked to talk about deaf awareness to a care homes staff and families. I decided to call my presentation “Hearing Loss – A Growing Issue”, I decided to call the presentation this as I wanted it to make an impact and make people think how many people have a hearing loss.

The First Slide I will talk to the care home about is some statistics on hearing loss. I introduced this into the slide as I felt that this will make the clients know how many people this actually affects. Also, it will make the clients realise that people are living with a hearing loss without support and help.

The Second slide I will talk to the care home about is how to recognize a hearing loss. I have added this slide into the presentation as it shows there is more than one symptom of a hearing loss. I felt this is a way to also make them think whether they …show more content…

I felt this needed to be included to the presentation as it is an important subject to touch upon. Some of the staff or family members may not know where to start in the process. They may not know that there are support charities like Action on Hearing, or that counselling and talking to the patient may help at the beginning of the process. I wanted this slide to come across that communication is the key to helping out.

The fourth slide that I have included in the presentation is what impact a hearing loss can cause on the patient. This is an important slide to include as some of these symptoms could be seen as another condition. I wanted to show that hearing loss and dementia could be linked to one another. I have included the text “Misdiagnosis of other conditions” as this could be true as some people could be misdiagnosed for other conditions when they have a hearing loss that is not attended to in some form. Whether being a hearing aid or

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