
Death In Hamlet

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Shakespeare presents death as an inevitable act of life, noting that all that is living must eventually come to an end. Due to “Hamlet” being a Shakespearean tragedy, the theme of death recurs throughout the play. Additionally, Shakespeare can be seen as using revenge as the main motive of a character’s murder, which makes “Hamlet” a revenge tragedy. The tragic nature means that by the end of the play, majority of the characters would have died. In this case, many of the characters have died due to murder or suicide. These continuous deaths heighten the tension, as the suspense and mystery revolving around who would die next, magnifies the sense of anticipation in the audience. These deaths occur gradually, with King Hamlet being the first, as he had died before the play even started. This is followed by Polonius’ death by Hamlet in Act 3, Scene 4. As a result of her father’s death, Ophelia had reached a mental decline and resorted to committing suicide by drowning herself in Act 4, Scene 7. The climax of the play is in the final act which is Act 5, Scene 2; where multiple characters such as Rosencrantz and …show more content…

This is evident in King Hamlet’s death, where his own brother, Claudius had betrayed and murdered him for his own personal gain. Another example is through Rosencrantz and Guildenstern’s deaths, where their plans to betray Hamlet and work for Claudius, has completely backfired onto them and led to their own demise. Equally as important, is the idea that Hamlet’s nature of wanting to avenge his father had eventually lead to the other characters’ downfall. In the light of this, it is also important to note another concept, which is Hamlet’s delayed vengeance that has created a domino effect and inevitably caused the deaths of the other characters. Identically, we will also explore the notion of death being presented as a form of escape from life’s cruelties and

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