
Death in Literature

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Death In Literature Death is a natural part of life, it's the saddest part of life; no doubt about it. In literature, death is often the theme expressed in tragedies, this theme may not necessarily be a lesson, but may appear to be more of a story being told. With death the theme the tone can still vary. This is because the tone is just an expression given by the writer, when the expression changes the tone changes as well. There are three ways to view death, the death of a friend, the death of ourselves, and the afterlife. There are many poems that have to do with death, however it doesn't have to a poem, songs are great uses of literature as well. The poem Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone by W.H. Auden, I'm afraid of death by Kathleen Ossip, and the song “We're in Heaven” by Bryan Adams are all great examples of death in literature. Each shows a different view of death. Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone is a poem written by W.H. Auden in a theme about death, expressed in a tragical way. The poem takes place after someone the poet knows has died. The tone of the poem is sad as it conveys a mournful message towards the person who died. The tone however expresses to be calm but not relaxed at all, but its attitude is confident and solid. Its tittle “stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone” is meant to mean we must take time to mourn those who had died in a moment of silence. As the clocks may make noise with the ringing but they also are a symbol

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