
Decision-Making Process Analysis

Decent Essays

My team, Organization One, went through several stages throughout this quarter. Deciding what type of decision-making process we would adopt was our first stage. It wasn’t a decision that we made consciously, but we organically made the decision to do a consensus style of decision-making. We divided responsibilities in the team by splitting them as evenly as we could. Some of the deliverables were done on a volunteer basis because there was no point having five people split them up. For the term paper, we gathered together and divided the paper into five parts. Since the easier parts were completed much faster, the teammates who finished early began to help with the other sections. For each section of this quarter’s project different …show more content…

I personally wanted to have our plan laid out in a very simple form with each person’s part clearly assigned. Although other team members were comfortable with people having to do their parts, they were satisfied with vagueness. Differences in how communication was interpreted arose as an issue on our team. After one of our meetings about the final project, we began to text each other on what our next steps regarding research would be. Because of our differences in communication, one of our members became offended thinking they were being asked to do all of the research on their own. This was actually part of what I believe to be our storming stage, but it was miscommunication that created this issue. These differences impacted our perceptions, attributions, and roles in various ways. For example, we made sure that Avery was not placed into a large public speaking role, and instead she spent extra time on the PowerPoint helping us to perfect it. Because of our texting miscommunication, we tried to communicate face to face, or if that was not possible, we attempted be very clear in our texting …show more content…

Starting earlier on our final project and distributing the work more effectively would have also improved our overall experience. By doing this, some of the teammate’s lives would have been easier, and this could have reduced the discomfort of those felt they were given more work. Looking back, I would improve our approach by having the group meet at the beginning to go over each deliverable and the final project. We would then go through the specifics of each assignment and then distribute each assignment and section to somebody. This way everyone’s expectations would be set from the beginning, and we would have plenty of time to change course if needed. The following are a few lessons I am taking away from this team experience: 1) quality communication is key 2) do early recon and understand what work lies ahead 3) quickly discern who is a self starter and who works better with direction 4) for a team that is just forming I would suggest that you set expectations early and try to spend time together outside of work in order to build bonds 5) communicate by phone or face to face as much as possible to avoid

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