
Decoded Neurofeedback: A Case Study

Decent Essays

A team of neuroscientists from the University of Cambridge found a way of unconsciously removing a fear memory from the brain (a specific fear). Fear related disorders affect around one in 14 people and are currently treatmented through aversion therapy. Aversion therapy is a treatment in which they confront their fear by being exposed to it. However, this treatment is not very pleasant, and typically not continued. This new technique created by the team of neuroscientists could lead to a new way of treating patients with these conditions or fears. They neuroscientists first developed a method to read and identify a fear memory using a new technique called 'Decoded Neurofeedback'.Decoded Neurofeedback is the technique used for brain scanning to monitor activity in the brain, and identify complex patterns of activity that resembled a specific fear memory. They then administered a brief shook when they saw a certain computer image creating a fear memory was created in 17 healthy volunteers. When they detected the pattern the researchers began to overwrite the fear memory by giving their experimental subjects a reward. The team continued this procedure multiple times and at the end of their studies that concluded that they had and could reduce the fear memory without the volunteers ever consciously experiencing the fear memory in the process. Although this study was small it could lead to major advances in treatment of fears, PTSD, …show more content…

Many modern day treatments are unpleasant and can even worsen the condition. While this new technique may not only decrease the “fear memory”, but decrease it without the patient's consciously experiencing this fear. I picked this article because I think their are so many possibilities on where we can go with modern technology and knowledge and this is just one of the many experiments leading to the

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