
Deconstruction Of Online Realities : Why They Censored And Western Philosophy Of Ethics

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Deconstruction of Online Realities: Why They Censored and Western Philosophy of Ethics in Regards to Freedom of Expression This essay will thoroughly discuss the censorship and fundamental rights to Canadian and American Freedom of Speech. Ethics is philosophy. The Greek philosopher Pluto whose discussion was of image and reality and the way his standpoint was related into triggering the long-running dispute between those who champion sense experience (called empiricists) or perception that in their view that provides to them with an immediate and measurable grasp of reality versus those who uphold reason rather than the senses as the source of truth (called idealists). Since our sense can easily mislead us, we should, according to the idealists, strive to form ideas, abstracted from the particularity and changeability of any grasp of reality by our senses. The idealists thus emphasize that truth can only be attained by reason (Ruggiero, Plato and Theory of Forms, 2002). That is why the reason of exploring the online reality and fundamental human rights of speech are important to explore. The story of Reno versus ACLU tells us about Janet Reno American attorney general (1993-2001) in the United States, who was in the position of American Civil Liberty Union where an independent organization dedicated to preserve and extend the basic rights of the U.S. constitution. The Supreme Court decided that the

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