
Definition Essay : My Worldview

Decent Essays

Define my worldview. First I will explain what is a worldview. A worldview is known as a framework from which we view reality and make sense of life and the world. Worldview is basic on ideology, philosophy, theology, movement, or religion that provides an overreaching approach to understanding God, the world and man’s relations to God and the world. My worldview I’m a Christianity. According to James N Anderson 2014 What’s your worldview? “Christianity is the largest religion in the world today, Claiming around one-third of the world population. Christians consider to be not merely a great prophet and spiritual teacher, but the divine Son of God and the savior of the world. I’m a Christian I believe in God. Being a Christian it has cause me to read the Bible more as I have grown older. I have find myself debating, learning and trying to understand the Christian faith. Being a Christian you learn different ways on interpreting the Bible. My worldview is Biblical I believe the Bible is entirely true. I believe it a foundation of everything we say or do. I believe in God I believe if I do my best by God and go to church God will bless me. In Number 6:24-26 “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and peace.” I have taken been a Christian more serious when I got older. I have always been exposed to the Christian living since I was younger. When I was in school the teacher was

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