Many cultures have different opinions on what adulthood is, and how one can achieve it. Within my family, adulthood was always thought of as when you turn eighteen. My mom cried on my eighteenth birthday and told me that she didn't have children anymore, she had adults. However, to a family that practices Jewish faith, they believe that a male becomes an adult at the age of thirteen, while a female becomes of age at twelve. Three things that I think that most all cultures believe to true is how one acts behaviorally, emotionally, and socially. Behaviorally wise, I think that being an adult means acting accordingly to situations. For example, thinking with an open mind and weighing every option in a situation before acting. When I was younger,
the most part. These years in a persons life have often been referred to as emerging adulthood.
Adolescence is the transitional period in a persons life time that links childhood and adulthood. The factors that influence development during adolescence include genetic/biological and environmental/social. There are many developmental issues that take place during the transition from an adolescent to a young adult. The issues of emerging adulthood(18-25) are characterized by new experiences, experimentation, exploration as well as new developmental tasks.
The journey through late adulthood can be experienced in different ways. One particular movie entitled “The Bucket List” exhibits an astounding portrayal of late adulthood. In fact, there are many accounts that the movie entails about late-adulthood. This includes the illustration of Erickson’s late adulthood stage – “Ego Integrity vs. Despair,” wisdom, marriage, friendship, parent-child relationship, and death and dying in late adulthood.
Being an adult is the number one thing that children want to be: The desire to get older to do things that you want when you want and having no one say otherwise. However, what is an adult? An ambiguous term that really falls into the hands of the individual, where at Sixteen you can drive, eighteen you can vote, and twenty-one you can drink, for those in the USA, all varying ages that individuals could use as indications of adulthood. Robin Heinig wrote and article “What is it about 20- somethings?” where she discusses Arnett’s proposal about a new developmental stage, “Emerging Adulthood”. Jeffrey Jensen Arnett, an American professor in psychology, believes that we aren 't entering adulthood till the later portions of our twenties. For some, this may be true but for the general population including myself I find this hard to believe. Leo Hendry’s article, “How universal is emerging adulthood? An empirical example”, on emerging adulthood gives a deeper understanding to what this generation 's kids are going through. The late teens are a crucial part to the lives of a young adult. It 's the time that we spend trying to identify ourselves, escape the circumstance that we are put into at a younger age, or just had a better family income. Arnett is not wrong, but all other external factors need to be accounted for before we know, or even consider if emerging adulthood is a new developmental stage.
Middle adulthood is a complex time period that requires a multidimensional outlook to understand all of the processes and changes that are taking place. The many changes during middle adulthood include physical, cognitive and social differences. Many of these changes create significant stress and it is important to understand ways of coping with the anxiety. Many of these coping mechanisms include mindfulness and cultivating a sense of self-efficacy and mastery (pg. 482). There are many changes during middle adulthood that may require stress management techniques and interventions.
Late adulthood is known as the period of life after middle adulthood, usually from around 65 years old to death (Santrock, 2013, p. 485). There are many varying stages of development and health in late adulthood, along with steady changing of life expectancy. Aging is a part of life, and with it comes changes in every area of living. Many diseases find late adulthood as an opportune time to affect people. Eventually, whether caused by disease or another reason, every individual dies. Death is unique to every person, and healthcare in America is changing to reflect that. This stage of life is a time when bodily processes and functions may be decreasing, but depending on lifestyle choices, death can come at different times.
"Middle age is when your classmates are so old and wrinkled and bald, they don’t recognize you". -Bennett Cerf
Adolescents try to figure out who they are in order to form a basic identity that they will build on throughout their life; whereas, older adults acquire a lifetime of self-knowledge, which leads to a more secure and complex understanding of themselves than at earlier ages.
What does it mean to be an adult? Does accountability make a person an adult? Does learning and improving on past experiences make someone an adult? Will caring for one’s self make somebody an adult? These are all small pieces to the puzzle but there is more to an adult then being a self-reliant, hardworking individual that pays their bills on time. In my opinion, you can be sixteen years old and be classified as an adult or twenty eight years old and not be an adult. Being an adult means that you are responsible, mature, and independent.
Emotional Transitions to Adulthood During the early part of adulthood major emotional transition takes place. At the beginning of the adulthood lifestage you begin to seprate from your parents and family and no longer rely upon your peers to support you in a pratical way- such as doing your washing and also in a emotional way, you begin to find that your parents aren't such a big fixture in your life. During our early adulthood we spend alot of our time finding a partner and once we do we become emotionally attached and begin to rely upon our spouse for support as we once did our parents.
There are many factors that constitute being an adult. An adult is much more than turning the age of 18. The definition in the dictionary states an adult means being completely grown: fully developed and mature. I think there is much more that defines an adult. In the United States an adult is considered to be someone who takes responsibility of themselves and their actions. An adult has stability in their life and is able to take care of themselves physically, mentally, financially and emotionally. In other countries and cultures there definition of an adult differs.
Maturity is commonly used word, but when asked what the word means many people simply shrug their shoulders. Maturity isn’t a word that has a clear definition. Being based primarily on one’s connotation, it doesn’t mean the same thing to everyone. Personally I picked this word up through context. However, upon doing a careful study of where this word originates and other’s connotation’s, I feel I’ve achieved a relatively good understanding. Webster claims the word to mean “based on slow careful consideration,” but I feel there is much more to this word than that.
During this closing period in the life span of human beings, people tend to “move away” from previous more desirable periods often known as “usefulness”.
A common piece of everybody’s vocabulary today is a word used in various contexts with little understanding to comprehend what it really means. “Maturity”, the stream of questions that come to our mind when we begin to ponder on the eight letter word is numerous. The most basic being, “What is maturity? How does one step up on the pedestal of maturity? And how do we measure maturity?” Einstein puts his perspective on maturity in an even more complicated manner, “I live in that solitude which is painful in youth, but delicious in the years of maturity”, this view point does paint us a picture of maturity, but leads us to a whole new world of mystification.
Still everyone perceives the world and every thought. in it through their own consciousness. For me being an adult is a compilation of various features and components and is more or less a personal achievement..There is .no exact pattern of .becoming an adult as every single person has their own way of improvement. But you always have to make that first.step that draws the beginning of your self-improving. There are a number of abilities I believe you.have to accomplish in order to even begin to get closer to being an adult”.”The ability of making reasonable decisions for yourself and.people around you, being able to take.responsibility for your actions, able to make the most of what you have and try to improve yourself in any possible way. Becoming an adult is a journey.everyone should make at a certain moment in.order to become the most they can be, to grow as an individual – mentaly and spiritually. Many people find it rather difficult and they