Tammy Nguyen Coach Keel English 1 – 5th 18 March 2016 Apathy What is the true meaning of Apathy? Well, if one were to search the definition of apathy on google they would probably get something like, “lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.” It is but it also isn’t the definition of apathy. The whole meaning behind apathy is more than just a lack of interest it’s simply the explanation of today’s society. Apathy is when people have no sense of emotion towards anything, they don’t care. They absolutely have no motivation to do or think about anything. They have no goals that they want to achieve because they have lost their sense in accomplishing things. Apathy has become one of the most controversial issues in today’s society. It’s something …show more content…
This is by far the closest thing as to being apathetic. Procrastinating is a great example of being apathetic because people don’t care about what they need to do and they focus more on what they want to do. Some blow off whatever they need to do until the last minute and others just don’t do it at all! They just hurt their selves when they procrastinate, because when people procrastinate they usually get an over amount of stress just because they didn’t do it earlier when they could have. Procrastination is a huge sign that students like to wear and show their teachers how much they care. That’s the thing, if people don’t show their teacher that they care then they will most likely not care about students grade, but if they show that they do care their teacher will probably focus more on helping their grade. Another example of apathy is in the election this year. America is full of apathetic legalized voters and that’s really not a good thing. They think it’s a joke and that it’s just hysterical. But they’re so full of themselves that they don’t take the time to think about how their vote could affect some people and even if they knew it would have a bad outcome for some, they don’t care enough to stop what they’re doing and actually think about
Indifference is where the lines between right and wrong, good and evil, light and dark, are blurred. It is a blindness to suffering, a deafness to the cries of the broken. Indifference is a silent thing. On the contrary, hatred is extreme and powerful. Hatred is loud, hatred is distinct.
By becoming apathetic to a situation, I tend to lose all feeling for the situation whether it be positive or negative.
Indifference is everywhere and has be around for a long time. Everyone has at least felt indifference at least one time in their life. Indifference is to feel a lack of compassion or have a lack of action to an unfair situation. Like a person being cyberbullied everyone sees it but not many do anything about it. Bullying is everywhere and needs to be stopped but yet people are still getting bullied everyday around the world. The term bystander refers to a person watching another being bullied. The bystander may not act because he or she is afraid of the bully. This lack of action may be due to circumstance . The bystander generally feels guilty for watching and not doing anything about it.
What is apathy anyway? Apathy is the lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern for what is going on around us. We all experience apathy occasionally when we feel unmotivated or uninterested in our daily tasks. However, this is normal from time to time while constantly behaving without feeling is not. As a result of people wanting to fit in with others so they will be liked, being wasteful, and wanting others to get hurt they have caused a growing immense problem.
The word attitude is generally a term used to describe the way we perceive and evaluate the social world around us, the way in which we build a positive or negative
Being indifferent can be dangerous for all people. The definition of indifference is a lack of interest, concern, or sympathy and if a lot of people are indifferent then they won’t care about
Procrastination is a tendency to postpone, put off, delay, reschedule, take a rain check on, put on ice, hold off, or to defer what is necessary to reach a particular goal.(Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition. Philip Lief Group 2009.) While attending College some students find it hard to juggle work, family, and friends. Leading most students down a dangerous path to procrastination; that negative impact affect students from their physical health, mental health, and social health.
Indifference means not caring. According to Google, indifference means, lack of interest, concern, or sympathy. Unimportance. The novel Night by, Elie Wiesel, shows many ideas of indifference. The quote on the front cover, “A slim volume of terrifying power”- The New York Times, touches me because it is just one man's story out of millions that have a story to tell of the terrifying horror that happened to them during that time. Of course, indifference was part of the whole book because it was about the Jews and the Nazi Army did not care about them.
Soon, I discovered a method to avoid the potential of feeling insubstantial, if only for a few more hours or days. Thus, allow me to introduce you to an old friend, procrastination. My way of thinking soon became, “If I’m not going to get an A, then why even put the effort in?” and consequently, innumerable assignments were put off until five in the morning where it would be due in two hours or it would never reach my teacher’s hands at all. I’m sure most teachers believed the cause to be laziness or a lack of ambition, however I strongly believe that if they’d known the constant stress, self-doubt, and exhaustion that I
It is seen as an essential part of learning and using what you learn in class. But when you get loads of class work and have very little time to finish it, then it becomes an unnecessary burden. Yet, sometimes, for me, it is the fact that I procrastinate that prevents me from completing a task. For college student, like myself who is working to pay for college, large amounts of class work usually brings lots of stress and fear of not being able to get good grades in many of my classes. Yet, I have support from my family, friends, and some peers who encourage me to put up a good fight in reaching my goal. I am a student that has gone through so much to get here, where I am. There were times that I had strong feelings that I would never be in college, just because of the negative energy I forced upon myself. Since pre-K, I have had this problem that if I can't do something I just give up, and stop trying. I still have this problem, but I have learned to get a control on it. The biggest problem was graduating from high school. I never thought that I would ever graduate. But I knew, as a student, I should at least try and show my teachers that I am putting effort. And now, I'm in college, studying pre-med, and hoping to become either a pediatrician, or a NFL Doctor.
Zeenath and Ocrullo (2012) indicated that university students procrastinate because of its affective consequences. External factors, such as peer influence and coping strategies, surrounding them also contribute to this. Furthermore, the way of teaching of the professors also affects the performance of the students toward the tasks given to them. Procrastination is the reason behind the poor academic performance and unhealthy lifestyle of the students. However, even if the individuals receive negative consequences, they still choose to
Indifference is the lack of interest, concern, or sympathy. Indifference tells of how people throughout history will turn their backs on certain situations and injustices that are happening in front of them. The United States of America is one of the main offenders of indifference occurring in their society and government. The U.S. continually shows indifference in the way the people treat others, both in their own country and foreign ones. The states show indifference by acting and showing racism, intolerance, and discrimination to those that are different from them. Even after everything the United States has been through, they still continue doing what their forefathers did before them by being indifferent to these subjects.
Ambition is a strong desire to do or achieve something. Many people view ambition as a positive aspect, many do not. The great things that people have accomplished are driven by ambition. Yet, too much ambition can drive someone to have very destructive actions. Ambition is a negative trait based on the fact that it gives you a careless attitude and gets you wealthy but not exactly satisfied.
In my study, laziness is the most common reason student procrastinate. Timothy A Pychyl, a professor who specializes in the study of procrastination says “procrastinators often remark that they lack the motivation necessary to act. They have an intention to act, but they fail to act in a timely fashion even though they recognize
The problem of procrastination starts when a student waits until minutes before a class to study for a class. This may seem like a solution for students who are pressed for time; however, this doesn’t allow time for the information to be solidified and vital information can be lost. These behaviors form because students have found that in the past they were able to successfully pass the class by doing their homework literally hours before the projects deadline. This reckless learning may help pass the class, but doesn’t give the information the time needed to be solidified into memory. This reckless learning also produces effects within projects that are often below the students’ academic level and can cause