
Definition Essay On Friendship

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The word friendship is defined as having a relationship between you and a friend. The definition is easier to interpret if you divide the word in half. A friend is someone you care about and someone you trust with anything. The ship portion of the word refers specifically to the relationship you have with someone. After reconstructing the word, you have friendship, which is mainly built from trust, common interests and support.
Trust is the foundation of any friendship. Without trust, relationships shatter due to the uncertainty of the other person’s actions. For example, you can trust a true friend to be alone in your house and expect him/her to resist the urge to steal valuables. On the other hand, if you leave a person you assume you trust in your house with valuables, a less favorable outcome would occur. This is the reason why trust is vital to every friendship.
Common interests are the cause of nearly all friendships. Whether it be that you both appreciate a similar sports team or the same genre of movie, these are hobbies you both have in common. Without common interests, the friendship will not be able to form correctly. Additionally, the friendship will not last as long without similar interests. This is due to the lack …show more content…

A simple way to support your friend is to simply listen to their situation and picture yourself being in that situation. After listening, you can provide ways to help by explaining routes they can take to ensure him/herself into an improved position. If you can’t imagine any solutions that can help the person with their problem, redirect him/her to someone who can. This could be a family member or another friend that has experience with the situation at hand. After assisting with their problem, you should invite that person to an activity you’ll both enjoy. Doing this will benefit the friendship greatly since you’re offering

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