The word friendship is defined as having a relationship between you and a friend. The definition is easier to interpret if you divide the word in half. A friend is someone you care about and someone you trust with anything. The ship portion of the word refers specifically to the relationship you have with someone. After reconstructing the word, you have friendship, which is mainly built from trust, common interests and support.
Trust is the foundation of any friendship. Without trust, relationships shatter due to the uncertainty of the other person’s actions. For example, you can trust a true friend to be alone in your house and expect him/her to resist the urge to steal valuables. On the other hand, if you leave a person you assume you trust in your house with valuables, a less favorable outcome would occur. This is the reason why trust is vital to every friendship.
Common interests are the cause of nearly all friendships. Whether it be that you both appreciate a similar sports team or the same genre of movie, these are hobbies you both have in common. Without common interests, the friendship will not be able to form correctly. Additionally, the friendship will not last as long without similar interests. This is due to the lack
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A simple way to support your friend is to simply listen to their situation and picture yourself being in that situation. After listening, you can provide ways to help by explaining routes they can take to ensure him/herself into an improved position. If you can’t imagine any solutions that can help the person with their problem, redirect him/her to someone who can. This could be a family member or another friend that has experience with the situation at hand. After assisting with their problem, you should invite that person to an activity you’ll both enjoy. Doing this will benefit the friendship greatly since you’re offering
Some people say that the secret of relationships is desire, but the real secret is friendship. Being friends does not only bring genuine happiness, it also brings the trust of each other. Friendship also brings better health as said in the article The Importance of Friendship written by M.D Saul Levine. In this article Saul states that “close friendships enhance moods and functioning as well as emotional and physical health.” Trust in a relationship is what separates a true friends and acquaintances, you talk to acquaintances but put full trust in what you say to true friends. Friendship not only brings trust, but also brings a companion that shares the same interests as you. Author and M.D Alex Lickerman states in the article What makes a true friend that “it’s probably uncommon for friends to interact on a regular basis if they don't have the same interests.” If people want to have a positive
A friendship is a bond of mutual affection. Many people around the world share this bond with one or more people. The funny thing about this topic is almost every person who becomes very close with another, it always seems to happen with an event that is funny and leads to the friendship shared between the two or more.
In order to get through life, we as humans require a form of partnership. While this could come from a sibling or parent, it commonly occurs in what we refer to as friends. Two friends share a bond of mutual affection that they demonstrate though their actions. This manifestation of companionship is vital to emotional growth. A best friend can also provide emotional support and encouragement in both difficult and successful times. Most, if not all people crave this type of fellowship. In order to select a friend, one must carefully consider a person's character. Therefore, in order to fit the description of a best friend, one must be thoughtful, encouraging, and kind.
One way to be a trustworthy friend is to be a genuine listener. As a genuine listener, I show empathy by caring about their life and what they’ve been through. I want my friends to feel comfortable sharing their life experiences with me. When friends share their challenging life experiences with each other it can be therapeutic and peaceful to release the emotions that have built up inside. We must not judge others because everyone’s life experiences are unique. Listening to others with genuine concern helps them feel emotionally validated. Giving a person the opportunity to feel cared for may save a life, especially if that person is experiencing emotional
We all go through dark a phase were we are in need of comfort and reassurance. An individual being there for their friend during their hardships, shows how much that person deeply cares for them. Even if the action of showing how much they care isn't that big, like just offering an ear to their problems, or giving them a hug… something
Friendship is not simply a "relationship", knowing someone, conversing with that person, or dealing with that person in business, school, or in casual acquaintance. True friendship is not just a "relationship", but self-sacrificing love. A friend is also one who supports, sympathizes, and is a person in whom you can confide. There are unique qualities that a person must have to be considered a friend.
Merriam-Webster’s Learner's Dictionary gives a definition of Friend is “a person who you like and enjoy being with or a person who helps or supports someone or something.” Cambridge Dictionary defines a friend as “a person who you know well and who you like a lot, but who is usually not a member of your family.” Not even Merriam-Webster’s Learner's Dictionary and Cambridge Dictionary have a variety of the word ”Friend” meanings, I have my personal meanings of a friend too. For me, a definition of Friend is not only those around me, but it can be anything that I can enjoy, have a good time, and never leave me including a pet, a non-living
What is a "friend?" Merriam Webster's dictionary definition of a friend says, "A person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection." says, "a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard." In other words, "one that is not hostile." Many people say that friendship is a blessing. I agree with them. I know that friends are always there to endure the mountains and the valleys. They are always there for a person, and I believe everyone should have someone like my good friend Sam, an amazing and influential friend.
The word friendship has many different meanings , but my favorite is the emotions or conduct of friends; the state of being friends. Basically, friends are just other humans you meet and think “hey, I like this one!” then you guys just start hanging out and doing stuff together. You can't live your whole life without having one single friend.
According to Webster’s dictionary, the state of being friends or the quality of being friendly is defined as ‘friendship’ and a person whom one knows, likes, trusts, and fond of is defined as a ‘friend’. Friendship is a state of relationship which can be only experienced but cannot be expressed. Loyalty, faithfulness, honesty, respect, and equality are the true characteristics of a trust worthy friend. This lays the foundation for a long- lasting relationship. It has no barriers or discriminations of gender, age, financial status, creed and color. Life without a friend is not worth living and would be incomplete. All of us need someone at some point of life to share our
When it comes to friendships I have always kept my groups, small whether it be from preference or from people just not liking me, or a mixture of both. I don't really care, i like it better that way. Small groups leaves room for a higher level of bonding and allows loyalty to shine through brighter in my opinion. This is important to me because loyalty is the key trait of any functional Bromance. Ultimate trust in another person is hard to find but worth having and like most things worth having it is broken easily. My best friend is John we started hanging out at the beginning of the year. We don't have a lot in common, though it works. He's got a lot more common sense and is usually my guardian angel when i'm on the brink of the usual dumb stuff i'm prone to doing. He
Friendship is the “bond between people who’ve made a similar commitment and who is possible therefore share a similar destiny” (Lickerman). Friendship is significant in everyone’s life. Humanity needs friendship in order to survive. It’s almost impossible for someone to never make a friendship. There is always someone out there that is similar to you.
Probably one the best qualities that a dependable friend can present is giving guidance. From time to time, we will face some enigmatic choices. Some friends might just pay attention to your conundrum, and interject with their own difficulties. Rather than thinking about their own problems, they should concentrate on giving suggestions to find the best solution.
*All of us had friends, right? Best friends, close friends, barkada, tropa or whatever name we call our friends. Friendship is a certain bond between two or more people. Like acquaintances. It is the word that describes your relationship with your friend. The trials and experiences you had and the moments you chose to
The basis of friendship is that your friend is useful to you in your pursuit of money or understanding. This type of friendship will be stronger than the type of admiration and respect friendship. If you and your friend are studying or working together, both of you will create a common goals and trust because of sharing activities and items that you are working on. Sharing obviously, needs to happen when there is trust. When you share, common trust increases, as sharing itself is a self-proliferating instrument for trust, which goes about as a social grease in your friendship. Friendship from people who are useful to you will make you more smart and ingenious due to the new skills and knowledge that you will learn from your friend. For example, when your friend has a wood planer to make a furniture and that how you met her while she or he planning her chair in the yard. If she taught you how to safely use the wood planer, this will be a good experience and new lesson for you. Sharing knowledge and few hours of difficult studying or work will create a fun learning of new skills with your friend. This will be a great way to bond a strong friendship together. Sharing activities will lead to sharing opinions. When you have a problem, you will need to ask your friend for help or advice. It is not necessary to do what he or she said to you, but it is important to lesson to her or his opinion to help you decide what the action you could start with.