
Definition Essay On Trust

Decent Essays

Trust Trust is described in the dictionary as believing within someone. However, it’s not that straightforward to understand. It progresses into a deeper meaning as we continue to live, grow and experience different situations in life. Trust is believing in someone with your heart, knowing that they will cherish it as something really valuable inside of them.
One of the main aspects of trust is to being able to place confidence in another person. Frequently this comes down to being able to tell someone a secret and knowing that they won’t reveal it to someone else. It’s important, especially with friends, because everyone needs to discuss about something but that they might not want to be shared with other people. Although not being the greatest thing that any person can do, it can mean telling someone else’s secret to a third person and knowing that they will not give away that they broke someone else’s confidence.
The other main aspect of trust is knowing that a person will always tell the truth and not hide anything. When two people are in a relationship, the biggest problem with trust is when one person is keeping things from the other person. This leads to the suspicious person going through their things, reading their text messages, and even following them if they suspect …show more content…

It’s not something that is easy as believing. Instead, it involves your believing in each other, knowing that they will not let each other down. Trust starts to grow with the bond someone has with a family member or a friend, they have to be somewhat comfortable to tell them any type of secret or something they don’t want to be known with another person. If someone has had their trust betrayed then it will take more time than it did to trust someone else. Not because their trusting someone new but they’ve been betrayed before which makes them paranoid that they will get stabbed in the back

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