
Definition Essay On Who We Are

Decent Essays

What defines us as who we are as a person? What is our defining moment that truly shapes us to become who we are? I believe it is how we conquer our hardest moments. It is how we rise above the struggles that brought us down in the beginning. These hard moments come at a blink of an eye and are no easy task to overcome. My hardest moment happened when my sister was in a car accident, leaving her a quadriplegic. Times became tough for my family, as everyone's roles were switched. I became the caretaker of her and my younger sister. My father became the sole provider, while my siblings had to step up and help manage the farm. The years following were difficult. Days were spent traveling to and fro different hospitals, hoping she would regain …show more content…

That’s the thing about hard moments, it feels impossible at first. It feels as if you're drowning. At first you’re struggling, trying to reach the surface but not fulling achieve it. Then your lungs start to burn, you’ve reached to point where you have two choices. You can either let yourself give into the darkness, or you can choose to keep fighting. If you were to choose the latter, the panic would start to set in. You would start to realize that you're not done fighting and you start to swim, pulling yourself to the surface. Once you break through, you take a deep breath of that sweet, sweet air. Abby chose the latter, she was the strong one. She pulled us all up with her, never letting anyone choose the darkness. She was strong from the start, all along she knew she wanted to use her experience to help others. She never let her condition hold her back. Doctors appointments weren’t always a walk in the park. She went through them with a smile on her face, even if the news wasn't the best. She kept positive, which gave us all hope. Hope that things are not always going be difficult. Hope that with each hard moment we face; we can overcome it and rise through the challenge. Life isn’t always full of hard

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