
Definition Essay: What Is Love?

Decent Essays

What is love?

What is love? Love is exciting. Love can completely change your outlook on life. Love is awesome, it introduces people to new things, love makes us very happy. Love is a very strong emotion, sometimes not always a good one.
Love is exciting. It can make people look at things in a whole new way. An example of this is when Bell Hooks mentions, “When we choose to love, we choose to move against fear, against alienation, and separation. The choice to love is a choice to connect, to find ourselves in the other.” Bell Hooks is saying we forget all the bad things about love. We want to connect with someone and fall in love with that person. People would look at love a whole new way if they forgot everything bad about love, such as the feelings, the heart breaks, etc. This is Bell Hooks point of view on love, and can be represented through this quote. …show more content…

Love introduces people to new things in the world. In the article “(love song with two goldfish)” the two fish were in love, they were happy and would’ve done anything possible to stay together. Evidence of this can be found when it says, “Bounded by round walls she makes fish eyes and kissy lips at him.” “He's bowled over. He would take her to the ocean, they could count the waves. There, in the submarine silence, they would share their deepest secrets. Dive for pearls like stars.” This shows that they loved each other, he would’ve gave her life in the ocean if he

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