
Definition Essay: What's The Meaning Of Life?

Decent Essays

The answer to life’s biggest question, “What is the meaning of life?” is yet to be answered. However, the answer is a fairly simple one. The answer depends upon the person the question was for. Our beliefs, character, and background will affect the answer to this question. It was Lewis Vaughn who said, “No one can simply hand you the meaning of life as if it were a gift basket. The process of examining the question of life’s meaning or purpose is personal. You have to take that journey for yourself” (Vaughn, 365).
People in this world have many viewpoints, but ultimately one can be a pessimist, and optimist, a realist, or an opportunist. When dealing with the question of the “meaning of life” one would either take a pessimistic outlook, or …show more content…

There are two types of meaning, being external and internal. The external meaning comes from the outside of us, bestowed by God by being a part of “God’s plan”. Whereas the internal meaning comes from within us based on our personal goals or purposes that are inherently valuable. It was Jean-Paul Sartre who had an external way of thinking and had said, “Life has no meaning the moment you lose the illusion of being eternal” (Vaughn, 365). It was Les Brown who had taken the internal approach and said “Life takes on meaning when you become motivated, set goals and charge after them in an unstoppable manner” (Vaughn, …show more content…

You bring the meaning to it. The meaning of life is whatever you ascribe it to be. Being alive is the meaning” (Vaughn, 368). Rick Warren, the author of The Purpose Driven life, who had said, “You were made by God and for God, and until you understand that, life will never make sense” (Vaughn, 375). It was the results of a Gallup poll that was take from a thousand people in eighty-four different countries that raised doubts about what Warren had said. When the question “Do you feel your life has an important meaning of purpose?” 92% of the people who claimed any religious affiliation said yes, 6% had said no. 83% of those who claimed to be secular, nonreligious, atheist, or agnostic has said yes, and 14% said

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