
Definition Of Time Of Flight Essay

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This section provides details about the distance sensors which are part of the VIBA system as seen in Figure 2.1 above. Section 3.1 pertains to the method of which the distance sensors of the VIBA calculate the distance between the cyclist and the edge of the track using the principle known as time-of-flight. Section 3.2 pertains to the method of which the distance sensors maintain accuracy around the track using the principle known as retroreflection.
3.1 How the Sensors Determine Distance
Section 3.1.1 contains a definition of time-of-flight. Section 3.1.2 pertains to how the distance sensors of the VIBA use the time-of-flight principle. Section 3.1.3 contains a sample calculation using a scenario where a track bike is fitted with the VIBA on a velodrome.
3.1.1 Definition of time-of-flight
Time-of-flight is a principle used for measuring the distance between a sensor and an object, based on the time difference between the emission of a signal and its return to the sensor, after being reflected by an object. The graph shown in Figure 3.1 below represents what the sensor is recording. Figure 3.1: Graphic Representation of Distance Sensor Data [Rishi Sharma]
The sensor releases a pulse of light, known as the trigger, and computes the time taken for the signal to be received. The distance the signal has travelled can be directly calculated from this data. Light and sound are the most common types of signals used with this technique [1].

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