
Dell's Working Capital Business Case

Better Essays

Assigment 1 Dell’s working Capital
Student number Name Class
0804809 Shu Pei Sun BE37
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Question 1:
Kennis Inzicht Toepassen x x 5 punten

Calculate the level of working capital for Dell for the years 1994, 1995 and 1996. (Please show the full calculation and formula’s used)

The total current assets in 1996 are: $ 1.957.000
The total current assets in 1995 are: $ 1.470.000
The total current assets in 1994 are: $ 1.048.000

The total current liabilities in 1996 are: $ 939.000
The total current liabilities in 1995 are: $ 752.000
The total current liabilities in 1994 are: $ 538.000

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Because Dell waited until they received the order from the customer to start building the computer, Dell kept the CCC (cash conversion cycle to a minimum). If Dell were to operate at Compaq’s DSI level, we estimate that Dell would have to increase its 1995 inventory from $293m to $668m, which is an increase of $375 million. This would mean that Dell would have needed to invest in $668 million in inventory. I believe that the main reason that Dell was able to maintain such a low level of inventory compared to their competition has a direct result of their competitive strategy to maintain a minimum level of inventory.

From Dells perspective, there is a competitive advantage to maintaining a low level of inventory in case of a technology change. Because they have less WIP and FG inventory, Dell is better positioned to take advantage of quickly changing technology (processors, for example). If technology were to reduce 30% of the inventory value, Dell would be better off with a lower quantity of inventory which has to be written down. If the inventory were based on Compaq’s DSI number ($668m in inventory), then the write off would need to be $112 more. (30% of $668-$293). On the other hand, there are some disadvantages to having a low level of inventory on hand, as was shown by Dell in 1996 when they indicated that sales could have been higher if they would have had additional inventory in stock. Sometimes you might have to

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