An investigation of Dell and Hewlett Packard’s business models: How is competitive advantage created?
Dell and Hewlett Packard (HP) are two of the most influential companies in the PC market. The CEO of HP requires an understanding of how dells strategy allows it to achieve a competitive advantage so that he/she can counteract it. This report has been carried out to provide the CEO with the necessary information to do this. Therefore the objective of the report is to provide the CEO with detailed information on Dell as a business and its strategy. In order to achieve this, first the main strategies of Dell and how they provide competitive advantage will be identified, then the business models and e-business initiatives used
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Hp’s business model is a traditional business model whereas Dells business model is direct.
The advantages of Dells model are: The internet allows Dell an extensive scope and reach for its products at a relatively low price (Dedrick and Kraemer 2001). Using the internet Dell has been able to automate many of its business functions, such as product configuration, order entry and technical support (Dedrick & Kraemer 2001), therefore the company can achieve higher revenues without customer service costs increasing greatly. Online configuration ensures that the customer gets exactly what they want. Dells build to order strategy means that inventory levels are low, they only hold approximately 4-8 days of stock, therefore inventory costs are low (Breen 2004).
Some authors say that Dells business model is successful because they offer ‘dependable support, combined with competitive prices and build to order convenience’ (Lee & Thornhill 2005). However it is argued that Dells success is falling due to a lack of investment in customer service, recently their reputation has been damaged as complaints increase (Gross 2005).
HPs business model is advantageous because their customers have more choice in purchasing options, they can buy online, but if they need more assistance they can buy from a store where advice will be provided. Although this is good for the customer, it has detrimental effects on HPs traditional
Affordability of latest technology through Direct Sales Services - Dells uses direct customer relationship or as it calls it “customer intimacy” as its distribution strategy. This means meeting customer needs directly and cutting middleman interference as much as possible. This is done either through dedicated sales representatives, telephone based sales and online at As a result, the purchase price would be lower than other competitors.
Home and corporate users dominate the five categories of buyers on PC consumption. There are large amounts of these buyers in the market that are price sensitive and have low switching costs on their products which raises overall buyers’ power. However, in the case of Dell, many customers became frustrated with Dell. For example, Dell’s call centers received manyf discouraged clients’ comments. One reason: many service representatives were trained to solve only one category of a problem, so almost 45% of calls had to be transferred from the agent who answered the call to someone with the knowledge needed to help the customer. Richard L. Hunter, who was brought in to improve Dell’s customer service, called the situation “terrible”, explaining that it was comparable to “delivering materials to the wrong factory 45 percent of the time.” Worse, to slow the tide of calls from customers, Dell tried removing its toll-free service number from its website. Customers’ reactions showed up in Dell’s declining market share and slumping customer satisfaction ratings (Certo, 2013). Moreover, when Dell went on to expand its tech support outsourcing with other call centres in India, customers began complaining. Consequently, Dell stopped being perceived as an American role
Fulfilling the client/customer’s requirement Dell perform primary and support activities that produces cost effective and differentiated features. The company provide
Dell Company is one of the leading brands in the computer industry. Its long stint in this computer business has been inspiring for many small IT companies and current entrepreneurs. The given case study has blended a lot of crucial info on the Dell regarding its early growth period with issues, industry specific details, business model, product line and structure, issues and policies in its business in cooperation with future prospects of the Dell Company. Hence, this paper will reply the below questions, based on this case study of Dell Company.
This Dell case study designed for business and marketing students details Dell 's business and marketing strategy focusing on E-commerce. Describes approach to managing Updated March 2008.
Dell, one of the largest technological corporations in the world, sells personal computers, software, computer peripherals and other digital products among the world. According to the Fortune 500 list, Dell is currently listed as number 51. Dell is well known for its customer-oriented services such as supply chain management and electronic commerce. More specifically, the supply chain management (SCM) used by Dell allows customers to build their own PC online and successfully satisfies each customer’s specification. The selling and buying of products in Dell is conducted over electronic systems, for instance, online transaction process enables consumers attain various services through the Internet. Such considerate
Although Dell is an extremely successful company, there are areas of improvement and enhancement that should be considered. After a thorough analysis of Dell¡¯s IT tools, business model, IT infrastructure and competitive advantage, we have developed seven key suggestions. By implementing these recommendations, Dell can keep its high ranking in the competitive computer industry by increasing customer satisfaction, competitive advantage and superior value chain, without changing its principal operations to achieve these goals.
With a net revenue of $61,133,000,000 is the second largest computer manufacturer company in the word and the number one in United States. Dell focuses on Business to Business(B2B) and Business to Consumer(B2C) commerce to satisfy their business and individual customers. Dell differentiates between classes of customers because the needs of their business customers, who buy large quantities of computers, are different than the individuals who want to configure a single unit. The present
The Dell Computer Corporation was founded in 1984 by Michael Dell, who began the company by refurbishing IBM clones out of his dorm room for extra money. From the beginning and through the 1990’s, the company grew quickly and was very successful. Dell used a cost leadership strategy and focus on creating products that were already in the market place, but changed the timing of production and the method of distribution that was in place with the company’s competitors by assembling computers to order and selling directly to the customers. The company focused on creating value for customers and meeting their needs, but into the
Dell Computer's initial business model concentrated on creating build-to-order personal computers to customers' specific needs. This has grown from a fairly modest operation to a $62B business as of the close of their latest fiscal year (FY 2012). Dell succeeded with an Internet-based business model by concentrating on the accuracy, agility and speed that its much larger competitors could not match. Honeywell, IBM and others could not match the speed and agility that Dell had in basic build-to-order product strategies, which would eventually grow into the core part of their business model. Dell was able to rely on the ubiquity of the Internet to create a much large, diverse customer base compared to its competitors who were constrained by traditional retail channels (as was IBM's case) or a reliance on direct sales forces (Salvador, de Holan, Piller, 2009). Dell was able to capitalize on latent customer demand for customized PCs, laptops and servers at a much greater rate that competitors who failed to see the disintermediating influence the Internet was having on distribution channels (Salvador, de Holan, Piller, 2009). Dell succeeded at this strategy where dozens of other companies failed by concentrating on having the most thorough integration of their supply chain, production, fulfillment and services online globally, all unified through secured Internet-based networks. While the many competitors Dell had
The PC group within HP PPS has been refocused around customer needs. The PC group changed its product line which had a stronger focus on product design. New business models have been the focus of the print group. Business models such as Ink Advantage, is a program designed to target price-sensitive customers in emerging markets. Ink in the Office is an initiative of the print group that targets business customers. The group has expanded differentiated services and solutions by leveraging HP's portfolio of hardware and software, including combining multifunction printers with Autonomy management solutions to develop cloud-based document management services (HP,
Dell's business strategy combines its direct customer model with a highly efficient manufacturing and supply chain management organization and an emphasis on standards-based technologies. This strategy enables Dell to provide customers with superior value; high-quality, relevant technology; customized systems; superior service and support; and products and services that are easy to buy and use.
Dell is a computer corporation recognized for manufacturing computer systems through parts assemble. In 1983, Michael Dell saw an opportunity in using IBM compatible computers for a new assembly line that can be sold to local businesses. The idea as explained by Michael Dell, in an interview with Joan Magretta[1], is that in the early days of computers' manufacturing, companies had to be able to produce every part of the system. As the industry matured, companies started to focus on single parts and to become specialized in creating items that can be assembled with other parts to prepare a computer. As a result, Dell understood that to have a competitive edge in the market, they needed to focus on
Added to this has been the threat from competitive rival Dell as their profits and market share grew. Using key frameworks, I will examine and conclude
By grafting its system of custom direct sales onto the Internet infrastructure, Dell has transformed these activities, creating an innovative and efficient procurement, production, and distribution network. The innovative advance made by Dell in deploying Internet communication as the foundation of its production network, is a process innovation. Although to some extent, the Internet has enabled Dell to create a new product -- a PC custom-configured through Internet communication -- it is the process of organizing flows of materials and information within its network, from customer order to procurement, production and delivery, by means of Internet communication, that defines the innovation at the Firm. The case supports this notion by stating “While most other PCs were sold preconfigured and pre-assembled in retail stores, Dell offered superior customer choice in system configuration at a deeply discounted price, due to the cost-savings associated with cutting out the retail middleman. Additionally, an important side-benefit of the Internet-based direct sales model was that it generated a wealth of market data the company used to efficiently forecast demand trends and carry out effective segmentation strategies. This data drove the company’s product development efforts and allowed Dell to profit from information on the value drivers in each of its key customer