
Demographic Transition

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Demographic transition is a model based on birth rate and death rate in a populace. As indicated by this theory, each nation progresses through three distinct phases of population development. In the first stage, the birth rate and the death rate are high and the growth rate of population is low. In the second stage, the birth rate remains steady but the death rate decreases swiftly. Therefore, the growth rate of the population rises rapidly. In the last stage, the birth rate begins falling and tends to parallel the death rate. The growth rate of population is lingering.

The first stage is described by high birth rate and high death rate, giving a low growth rate of population. Individuals mostly live in rural areas and their main occupation is agriculturally dominated. In this stage, birth rates are high due to the lack and/or restriction of family planning methods, traditional social and religious belief encouraging large families. Parents have more children to adjust for high infant mortality and children begin working at an early age to add to the family salary. Causes of a high death rate include diseases, famine and malnutrition, an absence of clean drinking water and …show more content…

The population starts to rise and the economy enters the period of economic expansion. Death rates decline because of an increase in food supply due to agricultural revolution and improvement in health and sanitation also causing reduction in child mortality. Citizens do not seek to regulate the amount of their family as it is difficult to break with the past social or cultural traditions and convictions towards family planning. Also, work opportunities increase and children can add more to the family wage. As a product, the birth rate rests at the preceding high level. With enhancements in the way of life and the dietary propensities for the general population, the life expectancy also

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