I am employed by Department of Defense Education Activity (DODEA). Headquarters, Department of Defense Education Activity (DODEA) pay setting actions are conform to, or in the absence of explicit criteria will be consistent with, the principles of law, regulations, collective bargaining agreement provisions and interpretations, and precedent decisions established by appropriate authorities, such as the General Accounting Office and Office of Personnel Management. The pay for DODEA educators and administrators in the Teaching Position (TP) pay plan is based on the pay for similar positions in urban school districts in the United States of 100,000 or more population. An educator 's pay is based upon the educational level of the employee …show more content…
The Department of Defense Wage Fixing Authority establishes and prescribes salary schedules for each of the following levels of education for employees: Bachelor’s degree, Bachelor’s degree plus 15 semester hours, Bachelor’s degree plus 30 semester hours, Master’s degree, Master’s degree plus 15 semester hours, Master’s degree plus 30 semester hours, Education Specialist (EDS) and Doctorate. A typical teacher salary schedule is updated every year with a 3% raise in according with IAW Article 20 of the Master Labor Agreement (MLA). The 2015-2016 schedules for a K-12 DODEA teachers shows all the salaries in the grid indexed to the starting salary in step 0 for a teacher with a bachelor 's degree. All Classroom teachers, School Counselors, Social Workers and Nurses have the same pay schedule. DoDDS employees work 190 days per school year.
A new teacher with a bachelor 's degree would start at the salary provided in step 0 under BA, or $46,613 for the nine-month school year, including a 4 percent contribution to the Teachers Retirement System. In the second year, the teacher would move into step 1 and be paid a salary of $48,409. As additional years of service are accumulated, the teacher moves into higher and higher steps, each of which brings an automatic annual pay increase of approximately 3 percent. However, for a teacher with just a bachelor 's degree, this particular salary schedule caps teacher pay in step 29
Ultimately the district would exhaust $1,722,333.40 over its combined revenue of 6,763,484 over the next three years on this salary incentive. This would mean that their would have to be large cuts in instructional programs, or an increase in revenue. To truly see this, happen the board would have to increase revenue or cut programs. I would advise that we take a increase in revenue of 5%, and that we make smaller scale increase in the salary scale of a 2.5% increase in year one with a 250 increase the years following; this would leave the district on track to not have to make any instructional
That is until 08/2015 when I was given a raise for $.50 then an additional $.50 in 09/2015 after additional consideration. It was also stated that I would be paid extra when you were not in the office.
NDEA: The National Defense Education Act was passed in 1958, one year after the Gaither Report came out, and put a strong emphasis on Math, Technology, and Sciences in defense-related situations. (missile gap > technological gap > research gap > education gap) The goal was to put the US ahead in winning the “brain race”. Some effects of this were heightened enrollment/acceptances into university/colleges (increased amount of tax money and federal budget going to funding education/research). Overall $2 billion was put into putting the US getting educationally ahead.
Dr. Williamson Murray once declared a want to develop his Expeditionary Warfare School (EWS) seminar students into hand grenades. His comments were, of course, figurative, but Murray communicated a vision: his company grade students would read more deeply, think more critically, write with greater effect, and ultimately be more willing to challenge conventional wisdom than their peers. Murray, with EWS, engineered the course, from initial selection through the final seminars, to meet his goal of a competent, well-armed officer prepared to make and recommend just decisions grounded in history.
But last fall's budget didn't address the differentiated pay issue, instead giving teachers $750 one-time bonuses and raises to those with enough experience to move another step up the state's salary table. Although targeted raises for teachers doesn't cost as much as giving everyone a salary increase, the extent of any pay package likely will depend on how far state revenues exceed budgeted expectations.
I think the mean earning I found on the BLS website is very desirable because it is such a big financial burden to pay all the costs of the tuitions and the examination fees to become a classroom teacher. Also, there are regular expenses that are not reimbursable after becoming a classroom teacher.
The Department of Defense Education Activity has a duty to providing the higher quality of education to its learners by exposing the student with an effective curriculum that reflecting high expectations and standards (DoDEA, 2012). Department of Defense Activity is an agency of civilian of the United States Department of Defense managing all schools for the children and teenagers of military personnel in the United States as well overseas at American military bases around the world; this agency also provides support to more than a million military linked learners who are attending public schools within the United States (Wikipedia,
The Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) is the branch that provides education for the children of service members and civilians civil servants in support of the military mission. DoDEA currently serves over 78,000 students ranging from pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade. The schools are located in the United States, Europe, Western Asia, Bahrain, Cuba, Guam and Puerto Rico. DoDEA also runs a Virtual High School for their students who desire to take online courses. (DoDEA Press Release, 2014) In addition to students, DoDEA Information Technology (IT) division also supports the approximately 15,000 employees and their mission is to “educate, engage, and empower each student to succeed in a dynamic world.” (Community Strategic Plan, 2013).
National Defense Education Act (NDEA), U.S. federal legislation passed by Congress and signed into law by President Dwight D. Eisenhower on September 2, 1958, that provided funding to improve American schools and to promote postsecondary education. The main goal of the legislation was to enable the country’s educational system to meet the demands posed by national security needs. Of particular concern was bolstering the United States’ ability to compete with the Soviet Union in the areas of science and technology.
From the Halls of Montezuma to the mountains of Afghanistan, the men and women of our nation's armed forces have been literally putting their lives on the line in defense of our nation for over 225 years. In recognition of their brave and patriotic service to the nation, enlisted service members should be better compensated for their courage to serve.Good thesis
II. As an education major, the minimal salaries that teacher’s receive has caused me to worry
The Creed of the Noncommissioned Officer states, “No one is more professional than I,” “I will strive to remain technically and tactically proficient,” and “All soldiers are entitled to outstanding leadership; I will provide that leadership.” As America transitions from a nation at war to a nation at the ready, it is imperative as noncommissioned officers, that we remember those responsibilities set forth in the creed in which we live by as we forge our next generation of soldiers and leaders. How we forge our future leaders, train our soldiers, and how we develop ourselves as noncommissioned officers is outlined in Army Regulation 350-1, Army Training and Leader Development. From
According to Coulson (2011), the unions of teachers has helped to drive up the cost of a student in the K-12 school system and to protect even those teachers with low performance. Since 1970, the cost of a student in the K-12 system has raised from $55,000 to $155,000, but the performance of the students have declined since then (Coulson, 2011). Where is the rest of the money? I believe that a teacher need to have a
In the United States, starting salaries for teachers who have completed a four-year degree are far lower compared to many other professions, which also require a four-year degree. In most states, teachers must undergo testing and other rigorous certification requirements, but they are given the same consideration or status as beginning professionals in other areas. Although attractive incentives are offered, the compensation does not compare to the long hours of work and schooling required for a teaching career.
The Dooly County School System is a small organization that employs from 200 to 300 employees. These employees