
Essay On Doda Pay

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I am employed by Department of Defense Education Activity (DODEA). Headquarters, Department of Defense Education Activity (DODEA) pay setting actions are conform to, or in the absence of explicit criteria will be consistent with, the principles of law, regulations, collective bargaining agreement provisions and interpretations, and precedent decisions established by appropriate authorities, such as the General Accounting Office and Office of Personnel Management. The pay for DODEA educators and administrators in the Teaching Position (TP) pay plan is based on the pay for similar positions in urban school districts in the United States of 100,000 or more population. An educator 's pay is based upon the educational level of the employee …show more content…

The Department of Defense Wage Fixing Authority establishes and prescribes salary schedules for each of the following levels of education for employees: Bachelor’s degree, Bachelor’s degree plus 15 semester hours, Bachelor’s degree plus 30 semester hours, Master’s degree, Master’s degree plus 15 semester hours, Master’s degree plus 30 semester hours, Education Specialist (EDS) and Doctorate. A typical teacher salary schedule is updated every year with a 3% raise in according with IAW Article 20 of the Master Labor Agreement (MLA). The 2015-2016 schedules for a K-12 DODEA teachers shows all the salaries in the grid indexed to the starting salary in step 0 for a teacher with a bachelor 's degree. All Classroom teachers, School Counselors, Social Workers and Nurses have the same pay schedule. DoDDS employees work 190 days per school year.
A new teacher with a bachelor 's degree would start at the salary provided in step 0 under BA, or $46,613 for the nine-month school year, including a 4 percent contribution to the Teachers Retirement System. In the second year, the teacher would move into step 1 and be paid a salary of $48,409. As additional years of service are accumulated, the teacher moves into higher and higher steps, each of which brings an automatic annual pay increase of approximately 3 percent. However, for a teacher with just a bachelor 's degree, this particular salary schedule caps teacher pay in step 29

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