
Dermatologist Essay

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We scoured the country and asked dermatologists and other licensed skin care professionals (plastic surgeons, estheticians, etc...) what over the counter products they recommended. The problem is that there are so many products available that it can make your head spin just trying to sort through it all and find what you need. So, we wanted to get advice right from the foremost sources - America's dermatologists. These are their top recommended skincare products and many are actually used in their offices:

1. Non harsh soaps and cleansers: Harsh soaps like Dial will dry out your skin and can induce skin problems and early aging (something you definitely don't want). There are numerous soaps and cleansers which will not dry out your skin. …show more content…

Non-comodogenic face lotions with sun protection: The higher the SPF (Sun Protection Factor) the better the protection. Every dermatologist basically kept reemphasizing how important it is to stay out of the sun and to protect from sun damage to your skin. UV rays from intense sunlight will age your skin and cause premature wrinkling, sun spots, broken blood vessels and capillaries, and can cause the deadliest of all cancers - malignant melanoma. Some come with botanicals, vitamins and alpha-hydroxy acids (like glycolic and malic acids) which will nourish and strengthen your skin - they also smell …show more content…

Estheticians Choice TCA Skin Peel: Most offer this in office as an out-patient service. This skin peel is a medium depth chemical peel and is used for treating a wide variety of skin conditions and ailments. It is used on everything from aging skin, freckles, sun spots to acne, rosacea and eczyma. This peel has been featured on numerous reality TV shows and results in a younger, fresher look for the patient. This TCA peel is the most effective and the anti-aging results (like skin tightening and treating wrinkles) last, on average, 6 months to 1 year. It is important to note that Estheticians Choice TCA skin peel is available at a great savings for in home use and no prescription is required (see the link below for more on this TCA

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