
Describe Your Illnesses

Decent Essays

5. How do your illnesses, injuries, or conditions limit your ability to work?
Since I completed this form my conditions have become worse. My new present illnesses, consists of obstructive sleep apnea (CPAP), heart condition (PTCA STENT), cardiac catheterization, hypertension, and cholesterol/dyslipidemia. With all of this and including my other illnesses, this could cause serious problems in the workplace, and have limited my ability to work. Because of my sleep apnea, (it effects my mental abilities like memory, concentration) I reacted slow when it comes to time, have vision problems, sleep problems, (causes me to fall asleep during the day) and my fatigue, (tired, sleepy, and can only walk 10 to 15 minutes) all affects and limit my ability to work and I have another impairment such as heart condition that limit my ability to exert myself physically. Without adequate sleep, I have more difficulty concentrating, learning, and communicating. Memory lapses have increase; my problem-solving ability and social functioning) have decline. I Can be moody and less tolerance of people, differing opinion, making me more prone to outburst. According to my doctor my driving ability I have to be caution. Also I have hypertension, the doctor limit me to lifting only a few pound. …show more content…

Describe what you do from time you wake up until going to bed.
My day is worse it varies. With my new conditions added as related to heart condition and sleep apnea, now I wake up in the morning still feeling tired. I remained tired throughout the day, sometimes falling asleep in the middle of conversation. Some days so tired I cannot do

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