
Descriptive Essay About A Cat

Decent Essays

I was a month into summer break, the sun was radiating and the garden was bursting with life. The sky was bright blue, and clouds are completely erased from the sky. The warmth wrapped around my skin. I sat outside on the wooden porch right outside my house.The sky was sprayed painted with colors of purple, pink and orange. I was sitting on a chair with a metal structure and a faded out elastic seat and backrest. The door entering into the house is a glass sliding door with around the edges of the glass. And the handle looks like a gold that started to rust. I walk inside seeing the laminate floor and the walls which were a mixture of yellow and white. The hallway went all the way towards the front door. The kitchen was right next to the door. The cabinets are around a honey oak shade. The appliances are all a shade of silver or black. And the walls are an ugly 80’s shade of orange-ish peach-ish color. Closing the door something starts to rub across my leg. I look down and it's a Siamese cat with all black fur and shining green eyes. His fur reflected the sun bringing an ounce of color to his black fur. He’s very skinny but had a large appetite. He catches my attention when a high pitched “meow” coming from him. He’s a very vocal cat. Whenever he's hungry, wants to go outside or just wants some sort of attention. He's almost always “whining”. I walk into the family room. The walls are a pastel blue with a grey-ish blue-ish carpet and there are two couches. One beige

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