
Descriptive Essay About Coffee Shop

Decent Essays

I walk down Hillsborough Street on a windy, brisk day, passing many people on the sidewalk. I approach the store entrance, noticing the large, hand painted sign in their front window. Opening the door, I walk in and instantly feel warm and comfortable. The store is dimly lit with soft jazz playing in the background. Many tables and booths line the store and most are filled with students working and people socializing. I approach the counter and order my regular, an iced mint mocha. As I order, the employee and I make small talk, asking each other about our days. After I order, I step to the side to wait for my drink. As I wait, I look around the store, seeing the shelves of art and cultural pieces in the front and posters advertising their locally roasted coffee and the fair-trade practice. An employee calls out my drink and I take it from the counter, thanking the employee as I walk away. I walk back toward the front, open the door and exit; warm and happy from getting my favorite coffee and the welcoming store environment.
Global Village is a local coffee shop on Hillsborough Street and is very popular among both NC state students and the local Raleigh community. Global Village is a unique and vibrant place with an inviting, warm environment. I gravitated toward Global Village for this project due to the uniqueness of the shop. As I began to explore what made the shop unique, I realized that there are specific values that sets Global Village apart from other coffee

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