
Descriptive Essay About Durango

Decent Essays

Everyone usually needs a place to visit and relax from their hectic lives, someplace to loosen up. When I need to unwind, I head to Colorado. Although I truly love every part of the state, Durango is one of my most favorite places to visit. This calm town found in the southwestern part of the state is near the New Mexico border. Ordinarily, my family usually stays in a secluded cabin deep in the woods, where we can absorb all of nature, enjoy each other’s company and make a ton of memories. Some days during our trip I just appreciate sitting outdoors and capturing all the beauty and sounds, from wildlife to an assortment of birds. Just before going outside I put on many layers to stay snuggly warm. However, when I decide to brave the brutal winter air and step out onto the covered veranda, the brisk winter air shocks me to my core. Nevertheless, I struggle through the brittle cold, and squint as the sheet of white, almost blinds me, the fresh white powder covering everything in sight. Consequently snow is coating all the mountains in the distance, as well as all the leaves on the trees like icing on a cake. When I look up I can detect a flawless layer atop the cabin roof and glass like icicles dangling from every edge. When the sun peeks out behind the fluffy clouds there is a sparkle that reflects off the pure white snow, it is completely beautiful. Stepping off the porch, I feel a massive gust of crisp wintry air and I hear a crunch when the top layer crunches

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