
Descriptive Essay About My Best Friend

Decent Essays

I was laying in my comfortable, warm bed surrounded by my favorite toys and my dog, Sadie. Sadie, a beautiful german shepherd dog, was my best friend. She helped me through the hard times and kept me entertained during the boring times. I shouted over to Sadie, “Sadie are you ready for lunch? ”As soon as Sadie heard the word lunch, she rushed down the stairs, her tail swayed from side to side hitting everything in her path. On the entry table, right in the path of Sadie, my mom had just put her favorite antique vase that was given to her as a gift from her grandmother. The vase was porcelain white decorated with dark yellow sunflowers, my moms favorite flower. The vase was filled with seven beautiful sunflowers with bright yellow leaves that she had just picked from the yard. Sadie ran past the table, her tail hit the table and it slowly rocked from side to side. I looked at my mom, who looked like she had just seen a ghost. She began to sprint towards the table to catch the vase. It was too late.
The vase rolled off the table and landed on the polished white marble floor with a loud “Boom!” The table continued to rock back and forth as the water flowed across the floor, dragging pieces of the vase with it. Six of the flowers had broken. There were pieces of vase in the dark green stems. The petals fell apart across the floor and flowed with the water.
I looked at my mom’s face, you could see one tear roll out of the corner of her eye. She stared at the water, then looked

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