
Descriptive Essay About Starbucks Coffee House

Satisfactory Essays

Sunday morning around 10 am, you can find me on the corner of York and 2nd street, inside the bustling Starbucks coffee house. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee flows endlessly throughout the air. My mouth waters at the sight of the warm fresh pastries displayed in the glass platters among the shelves. As I approach the register to place my order, my heart races in excitement, for I know I am about to have my very own perfect delicious cup of coffee. Its undeniable that Starbucks not only serves and brews a plethora of heavenly customized drinks, but it also serves as a communal haven for anyone and everyone to meet, study, catch up with an old friend, or just to relax and enjoy a warm cup of coffee. While stepping through the front door, the first thing I noticed was how busy and filled with people the store was. The line was long and most the tables were occupied. Yet, at the same time, the amount of people there did not reflect how loud it was. It was quite and people looked content and relaxed even with the bustling life around them. I noticed the warm and cozy atmosphere by the scent of brewing coffee and the warm lighting that continued throughout. The open layout allowed people to sit wherever they want. They have larger tables for 6-8 people, and they have smaller tables for 2 people or even single person tables and chairs by the window. I was surprised to see that not only did individuals come into cure their coffee thirst but couples, parents with their

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