
Descriptive Essay On Chlorine Water

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The familiar, inharmonious clamour frustrates me as I struggle to maneuver my way through the bulky chlorine water. I roll over to take a breathe and gasp shamelessly: my lungs burn with the intake of oxygen, and the absorbed energy is not sufficient. I approach the wall and as I come off of the flip turn, I see the towering starting blocks through the blurred vision of my goggles.
The sight brings forth a nostalgic memory, and sequentially a profound sense of energy. My eyes dart back to blocks and there’s definitely something else, something missing. I just can’t grasp the idea. I shove my confused thoughts away and concentrate on swim practice and the set intervals. My legs flutter with a burning sensation and I relish the pain. However, the thought can’t stop recurring, and as I drift into the wall, I travel back to beginning of the memory...

“BEEEEPPP!” The screech of the blaring buzzer jolts my idle body. While attempting to warm myself up, I watch some racers sprint down the lengthy pool and back, and note their struggle to beat the clock. Their fingers ram into the ebony black touchpad, and their exhausted faces twist to see the blinking scoreboard embossed with time results. Watching their rosy faces and stocky movements as they climb out of the pool, my stomach churns with an uneasy mixture of butterflies and the food-I-definitely-shouldn't-have-consumed-5-minute -before-a-race.
My eyes darted over to the sidelines of the pool, where my coach, John, was

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