
Descriptive Morality

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For each individual human being, there are six states for a human life on a normative scale from best to worst: first is divine which exceeds the merely human on the one extreme, second is virtuous which is absence of wrongful desire, third is strong-willed which is the ability to overcome one’s wrongful desire, fourth is weak-willed which is the opposite and so the inability to overcome wrongful desire, fifth is vicious and bestial which exceeds the merely human on the other extreme and are often found among barbarians. Another journal from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy on The Definition of Morality explains that morality can be used in two broad senses which are “descriptively to refer to certain codes of conduct put forward by a society or a group (such as religion), or accepted by an individual for his or her own behavior, secondly, normatively to refer to a code of conduct that, given specified conditions, would be put forward by all rational persons” there is a tricky part to morality which are not all codes that are put forward by societies or groups are moral codes in the descriptive sense of morality, and not all codes that would be accepted by all moral agents are moral codes in the normative sense of morality (The Definition of Morality, 2016).
Descriptive morality focuses on the rules of etiquette as well as attitudes of an individual. These small morals are referred to decency and appropriate in behavior, as how one man should salute or treat another or

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