
Desensitization Of Teenagers

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As they flaunt their progressed impunity, video media, such as television, film, and video games, has opened a movement of uncensored graphic violence and voyeuristic appeal that has caught the interest of kids and teenagers alike. Impressionable by its immaturity, the young brain cannot be exposed to such media without experiencing adverse effects. Video media and franchises alter the teenage perception of sex, power, and life through its overt sexual objectification of and violence against women and its desensitizing effects. Many of these shows, movies, and games are popular among teenagers; the bloodshed and disconnect from decency is attractive and even addictive. With such a freedom to see and participate in violence, teenagers think …show more content…

Unfortunately, rather than question the louche portrayal of their surrounding environment or attempt to reform the society media depicts, most teenagers grow accustomed to the violence on their screens, becoming less sensitive to the suffering and pain of others and growing more aggressive in their interpersonal lives. This form of desensitization affects the teenage brain in that it results in a severe decrease of empathy and increase to tolerance to violent actions, real or fake. Over a series of experiments and field analyses, Iowa State psychology educators, Nicholas Carnagey, Craig Anderson, and Brad Bushman discovered numerous instances of desensitization4. “The results demonstrate that playing violent video games, even for just twenty minutes, can cause people to become less physiologically aroused by real violence,” said Carnagey. “Participants randomly assigned to play a violent video game had relatively lower heart rates and galvanic skin responses while watching footage of people being beaten, stabbed, and shot than did those randomly assigned to play nonviolent video games… It appears that individuals who play violent video games habituate or ‘get used to’ all the violence and eventually become physiologically numb to it.” Although it would be presumptuous to assume every apathetic teenager is a nihilistic sociopath, …show more content…

The release of early games, such as Pac-Man, Donkey-Kong, and Space Invaders, initiated the innovative and precedent era of video game popularity; however, modern games follow a distinctly uniform pattern in violent graphics and paucity of discretion. Whereas early media did little to affect the teenage psyche, the impact of modern media and its barbaric implications are considerably heightened by the large teen proclivity towards television, video games, and film. Surveys by the Kaiser Family Foundation6 have shown that in today’s highly digitalized society, children ages eight to eighteen spend approximately six and a half to seven and a half hours a day using media devices. Correlatively, research from the Pew Internet Project reveal that 97% of American teenagers play video games. Such media saturation, while undoubtedly harmful to health and social interactions, has only become psychologically harmful in recent years with the emergence of violence in interactive and narrative media. Unable to actively participate in violent crimes in the real world, teenagers take solace in doing so in the imaginary one, effectively learning to disassociate themselves from the characters they brutalize and murder. This talent, unfortunately, has become useful to those whose minds have been

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