Project Title: Design and Development of an 80 kW Combustion Test Facility
Aims & Objectives:
• To design and develop a Combustion Test Facility of a power rating of 80 kW to analyze the combustion of pulverized coal in a down-fired pulverized coal furnace.
i. The coal furnace will be composed of four, circular, refractory-lined sections, each 1000mm long, with internal dimensions of 350 mm diameter. These sections will be flanged together. ii. Material of construction of furnace will be decided after considering various parameters like operating temperature and strength of material required. iii. The coal furnace will be designed to provide sample ports for the analysis of flue gases of coal combustion. iv. Stoichiometric calculations
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Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Combustion Test Facility (CTF)
A Combustion Test Facility comprises mainly of a furnace in which pulverized coal or any other form of fuel can be combusted and the flue gases produced can be analyzed via sample ports provided in the furnace. Since, it is a combustion test “facility”, it would also include proper setting up of that furnace on a mechanical structure so that the results of the flue gases (chemical results) could be analyzed properly and conveniently. An 80 kW Combustion Test Facility means that the heat capacity of the furnace is 80 kW.
1.2 Coal
Coal is a combustible black or brownish-black sedimentary rock. Throughout history, coal has been used as an energy resource. Primarily, it is used as a fuel (fossil fuel) for the generation of electricity and/or heat and it is the largest source of energy for generation of electricity worldwide. It is also used for various industrial purposes such as refining of metals.
1.3 Types of Coal:
Coal is generally divided into the following types:
i) Anthracite: This form of coal contains carbon content in the range of 86-90%. It is mostly used for home heating applications. ii) Bituminous: It contains carbon content in the range of 45-86% and is used primarily for power generation. iii) Sub Bituminous: The carbon content is about 35-45% in this type of coal. It has less sulphur content and
Coal is a sedimentary material the amount of pyrite in coal is related to the amount of disposal organic material that was compressed and formed
where Cc is the concentration of free carbon. The remained molecules of natural gas are mixed to reducing gas and move to the top of furnace. Because the amount of methane in comparison with the amount of reducing gas is very small (about 1%), the changes in temperature profile for both of gas and solid flow are very small. It will be calculated as a function of heat of reaction.
It implies that it is possible to make coal a fuel source that is free of (or very low in) carbon dioxide emissions and other pollutant emissions. Some of the techniques that would be used to accomplish this include chemically washing minerals and impurities from the coal, gasification (see also IGCC), treating the flue gases with steam to remove sulfur dioxide, carbon capture and storage technologies to capture the carbon dioxide from the flue gas and dewatering lower rank coals (brown coals) to improve the calorific value, and thus the efficiency of the conversion into electricity.
Coal-bed methane is naturally occurring methane with some amounts of hydrocarbon gas as well as non-hydrocarbon gas that is contained in coal seams resulting from chemical
Sub-bituminous coal is a mixture of Lignite and Bituminous. This coal has a lower sulfur content which makes it a popular choice as a cleaner burning fuel for electricity and space heating. Bituminous coal is black in color and has the second highest heating value. This coal is used primarily in electric power generation, as well as heat and power applications in the manufacturing sector. Anthracite coal is a glossy black coal. This coal has the highest heating value out of all the coal types. Anthracite is the hardest coal and is used for home heating and steel production. Canada has large coal deposits and it is their largest most abundant fossil fuel. Canada has all four types of coal which more than 90% of the deposits are located in the western provinces. Canada has an estimated 6.6 billion tons of coal that could be mined. Mining coal in Canada takes place across four different provinces: British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia. In these provinces there are a total of 24 coal producing mines. British Columbia is the leading province with 10 mines in operation. The province of Alberta has a total of 9 coal mines, while Saskatchewan has 3 and Nova Scotia has 2 mines in operation. Coal mining in Canada is done by surface mining. There are two different styles of surface mining which are strip mining or open pit mining (CAC, 2013).
Mr. Julian who owns and manages a small company called Bentley Customs Ceramics Julian over a last four year manufacturing different ceramics items wants to expand his business. Over a year, he had used electric kilns but having observed that was less cost effective, he is planning to use gas kilns.
The purpose of the furnace ignitor is to automatically light the pilot or burners. Your ignitor may work by spark ignition or by hot surface ignition. Hot surface ignition is the most common method when it comes to newer gas furnaces. Hot surface ignition uses a ceramic ignitor. Power supplied to your furnace than
Coal is the most abundant and important source of primary energy in the world. There are reserves spread throughout some one hundred countries to meet global needs up to the next two hundred and fifty years. It is the most important fossil fuel for electricity generation and industrial purposes. But, it has pollution issues to the environment like Air pollution, land degradation, noise pollution, etc. But the pollution I am going to be talking about is water pollution from the coal mines in the Alabama rivers.
* Easily combustible, and burns at low temperatures, making coal-fired boilers cheaper and simpler than many others
Coal is a hard, black colored rock-like substance. It is made up of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and varying amount of sulphur. Coal was form as decomposition took place in the absence of oxygen and much of the hydrogen content of the matter was eroded away, leaving a material rich in carbon. The material was compressed over the years by sand and dirt, leaving the form of a carbon known as coal. The different types of coals are Anthracite, bituminous, lignite, peat, coke, and charcoal. Coal is mined out of the ground and used to produce energy. However, they are many deaths, injuries, and sickness involved in mining coal.
Coal, a mineral I have discussed previously, is necessary to our everyday lives. Coal is an incredible source of energy; it heats our houses and buildings, and also fuels stoves. You may often wonder where this extremely useful mineral comes from. Coal does not just appear; it needs to be mined through a process which results in our being able to utilize it. Coal mining is fairly inexpensive, is carried out on a large scale and can be mined in either underground or surface mines.
Lignite is the softest coal. Further compression and aging caused the lignite coal to change into bituminous coal. Bituminous is a soft, black, brittle material that is extremely flammable and produces a lot of ash and sulfur when burned. This is the type of coal that is mined in the Appalachian Mountains, Great Plains, and the Colorado Plateau. Heat and pressure then turn bituminous into anthracite. Anthracite is the final stage of coal, and is composed almost entirely of carbon. Lignite and bituminous coal are sedimentary, while anthracite is metamorphic. Anthracite is only found where pressure and heat were very great. It doesn’t produce as much heat as bituminous coal, but it burns longer without as much residue. There are anthracite fields in Pennsylvania and Great Britain (U.S Energy Information Administration).
In proximate analysis of the coal the moisture content, ash, the volatile matter, and the fixed carbon in the coal sample is determined. It is the most common simplest form of coal evaluation.
Coal - fuel, which accounts for the peak of popularity in the late 19th - early 20th century. Then the majority of engines used as fuel and coal consumption of this mineral was truly overwhelming. In the 20th century, coal gave way to palm oil, which in turn is in danger of being supplanted in the 21st century alternative sources of fuel and natural gas. However, nevertheless, coal to this day is strategic material. Coal is used to produce more than 400 different products. Coal tar-tar and water used for producing ammonia, benzene, phenol, and other chemical compounds which, after processing used in the manufacture of paint products and rubber. When the deep processing of coal can obtain rare metals: zinc, molybdenum, germanium. Coal
In the United States, 42 percent of the nation’s electricity is generated by burning coal as coal is cheap and plentiful.