
Design Principles And Design Concepts In A Traditional Information Security System

Decent Essays

Service-oriented architecture is best utilized in a distributed heterogeneous environment where business activities happen between loosely connected services. Thus, ensuring that the framework in this type of structure is secure can be quite challenging. Likewise, the success of SOA is decided by the totality to which design principles are helpful to service development. Design principles are the essence of service-orientation, and they provide the guidelines for the development of service logic that is interoperable and acute. Hence, design principles are the formation of loose coupling, reusability, statelessness, discoverability, abstraction, composition, and the inclusion of a service contract. Administering traditional information …show more content…

In addition, abstraction also provides a layer between consumers and producers, which encourages flexibility in changing service performances without impacting consumers. Further, abstraction provides layers that allow for governance, independence and the placement of task services as implied enterprise resources. SOA allows both the arrangement and execution of services. Thus, this lets new compositions fulfill any spontaneous requests that users might have. Information should be transmutable between all the composed services; particularly, every service must know where all the data is located, and the significance of what the data means. Consequently, once the service knows the meaning and location of the data, then it can transform it into the appropriate format so that it can be used in the valued services that are reused into a distributed application within the entire system. Conversely, traditional software development goal is to separate systems into groups of primary functionalities, while realizing that there can be other issues that will not fit well in the separated system. Furthermore, traditional software development processes allow developers to code units that correspond to the main functionality and address issues accordingly. Services in SOA are loosely-coupled, meaning that they are hosted and developed by different providers, in specific standardized interface (ex. WSDL), can be requested and discovered by multiple providers and

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