
Destination-Personal Narrative

Satisfactory Essays

Arriving at our destination was a large relief for me. I was finially free from the confines the truck. The sight before my best friend, Braden and I was a simple two story builsing where we would be spending the weekend. I love places like that nice and secluded in the middle of nature with trees sprawling the landscape without the eyesoars of tall buildings and the sound of dreadful traffic to disrupt the serene environment. We were with Lew, the youth minister and other members of the church on a great church bweekend. Just like most things that sound too good to be true it was. When we entered the building we saw through the door a tall wooden homemade zipline made built onto a tree. The towering structure provided much joy for the others …show more content…

I still had my glasses but my left lense had fell out from the impact. A warm liquid ran down my face but I felt no pain. I thought to myself that my eye sure was watering from this. I walked slowly to the house trying to get to into the light to see what happened. As the light bathed over me I realized that my eye had not watered. My hand was coated in the color of crimson. Finding this discovery my I muttered a single word. Crap. When the others saw my face, they guided me onto the sink. One of the members happened to be an EMT. With a small group of adults around me they used water and some of a first aid kit to clean up the blood while the others searched for the missing lense. As I sat on that stool I could feel everyone around me become very distant. Once the blood was clean they led me to the couch. Chad Tandy, the EMT believed that I required stitches. I being stubborn argued that I did not and that I was fine.Had my eye not been bleeding I might have appretiated the homely feel of the place and been trying to wolf down as many hot dogs as I could get my hands on. I only had one before I was put back into the vehicle I arrieved in with Braden and Lew. It was a very quite thirty minute drive to the E.R. besides the call to my parents about the

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