
Detrimental Consequences Of Whistleblowing

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Whistle-blowers, as the stereotype enforces, are driven by a desire to cause maximum damage through negative headlines. They are illustrated to be fueled by their own agenda or ego and to have no desire in going through the typical outlets of expression. In reality, however, it is almost always the opposite that is true. Executives or individuals in positions of authority may often have a chance to prevent whistle-blowing becoming publicly damaging, yet often down the opportunity due to the detrimental consequences it may have on them politically or economically. The term ‘whistleblowing’ is thought to have originated from policemen and referees who blow their whistle when attempting to stop illegal or malicious activity. Much like in academic literature, a widely accepted definition for the term is “the disclosure by members of illegal, immoral and …show more content…

These documents are known as the… They elucidated the horrific war crimes perpetrated by the US military and were responsible for a major shift in the American public’s support of Middle Eastern interventionism. This sentiment did not resound with everyone, however. Here is one example of how Manning has been demonized as a traitor and unlawful servant of her nation. (Show video) After observing the video, it is apparent that the former General enforces and prematurely jumps to

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